Sunday, May 7, 2023




Isaiah 52:13-15

Seven hundred years before Jesus was ever born, Isaiah prophesied about His coming and suffering. In our text today, we see our Lord’s preeminence. As we look at verse 14, we notice the appearance of Christ on the cross, and it’s not something for the weak of heart to see.

Jesus was disfigured. His appearance was such that He could barely be recognized as being who He was. His body had been put through horrendous pain. He was whipped with leaded chords to the point where his flesh was torn from Him. His head was running down with blood from the crown of thorns jammed onto His head. He was degraded by those who put Him on trial. They spit in His face and slapped Him. He was despised. Not only was He flogged and mocked, but He was forced to carry His own cross until He simple couldn’t carry it anymore. Jesus was devalued. He was deemed by the powers to be to not even be fit to live anymore. “Crucify, Him! Crucify Him!” was their passionate cry.

In spite of all that He was forced to endure (although He could have called upon His angelic hosts at any time to come and spare Him), we notice the activity of Christ at Calvary. He did what He was often found to be doing throughout His ministry, He forgave those who were crucifying Him. He never backed down from those who considered Him to be guilty of blasphemy. He never stopped being God. Even the thief on the cross experienced Jesus’ forgiveness.

We also notice the ascension of Christ from the cross. Although He indeed died in the flesh on the cross, He lived on. Death could not keep its prey; up from the grave He arose with a mighty triumph over His foes. He is seated today at the right hand of God and He is coming back for the church. Hallelujah, we serve a risen Savior today!

In verse 15 of our text, we notice the atonement of Christ through the cross. Jesus did not die in vain, nor was it without purpose. Jesus died for our sins and has given eternal life to all who would receive Him in their hearts. Because of what He did on the cross, He forgives us for our sins, and there is no sin beyond the reach of His saving grace.

Jesus is preeminent overall. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the creator and sustainer of all that is. And best of all, we can know Him personally as our Savior and Lord. Do you know Him today as your Savior and Lord?

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