Thursday, March 31, 2022



Ps. 34:5-6 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow will darken their faces. I cried out to the LORD in my suffering, and he heard me. He set me free from all my fears. NLT

Let's face it; we don't always look to the Lord for help when we need it. We tend to try other things first. When they fail us, then we turn to the Lord. We can spare ourselves a lot of frustrations, stresses, and problems by turning first to the Lord in our times of need.

Don't you just love to be around people who radiate with joy? Some people are so miserable within that they can't stand to be around those who aren't, but most people find being around joyful people picks them up, inspires, and encourages them. People with real joy just shine. It shows in their faces and there is just something about the way they handle themselves that attracts us.

True joy comes from living in Christ in the present. Life is a celebration because Christ is in it. It is knowing that the Lord is always with us and will never let us down. It is knowing that when we cry out to the Lord He hears us. It is being set free from all our fears. It is being able to rest peacefully in the Lord's presence knowing that all things are under His control and that all is well with our souls.

We can have great joy in our souls, no matter how much we may have to suffer. We can rejoice knowing that we are not forsaken or forgotten. The Lord is with us and He will help us. When we call upon Him, it's not a waste of our time. He hears our cries and sets us free from all our fears. Joy floods our souls as we bask in the presence of He who alone can help us in our times of need. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022



Ps. 34:5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy, no shadow or shame will darken their faces. NLT

If you are struggling with sin and it is weighing you down to the point where there isn’t much joy in your life, there is hope and help for you in Christ. No matter how much of a hold a particular sin may have on you, Christ can help you. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, it’s simply because you haven’t really dealt with it properly in Christ.

Confession is good for the soul, but it is not enough. True repentance affects the will as well. There needs to be the determination to let the Lord change your desires from wanting to sin to not wanting to sin. There must be a willingness to let go of your sinful desires and habits so that you can do what is pleasing to God and not you. When godly change begins to happen, we begin to radiate with joy because we know that at last we have found victory over our sins. No more shame will darken our faces. No more sadness will plague our souls.

Are you radiating with joy? Can people see in you your peace with God? Do people enjoy being around you because of your obvious love relationship with God? Do you see in the mirror someone who is at peace with God? Does it really show? Does it?

If not, give all of your heart to the Lord today, hold nothing back, and you will see a new you, a person at peace with God, himself, and a heart full of the glory of God. Won’t you let Him have His way with you right now?  

Tuesday, March 29, 2022



Ps. 34:4 I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears. NLT

What are you afraid of? Does the uncertainty of the future concern you? Does death frighten you? Do people get to you? Are you afraid of your ability to sustain your way of life? Are you afraid of what Satan might do to harass you? Whatever fear you may have, listen to the word of the Lord today.

There is peace, security, and strength for those who pray. When we are consistently in the presence of the Lord, we are not plagued by the concerns of life. We are not fearful of what surrounds us. Being with the Lord enables us to relax and trust, for we know that He is much greater than all our fears. We discover when we are in His presence that He is able to deliver us. We come to recognize the glory and majesty of our God. We are renewed in our spirit when we soak in the Lord himself. We are reminded there of His promises. Yes, there is freedom of the soul in the presence of the Lord. He frees us from all our fears. There is nowhere for our fears to hide. They are washed away in the presence of the Lord.

The more time we spend with the Lord, the less fear we have. And, the reverse is true as well. The less time we spend with the Lord, the more prone we are to fear. The Psalmist reminds us to be still and wait on the Lord. When we do, He renews our strength. There are no shortcuts to peace. It is only found in our prayer closets. If you don’t think you have the time to pray, your life is way out of whack. Your priorities are wrong and you are way too preoccupied with the concerns of this life.

Great is the reward of those who often spend time with the Lord in prayer.

Monday, March 28, 2022



Ps. 34:4 I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears. NLT

Evidently, the Psalmist, David, was going through a time of fear. He wasn't any different than we are. He was fearful for his life. He was in the presence of a king whom he did not trust. He was sure that his life was on the line. It is good to know that we are not alone. Faith does not eliminate our fears. We do get afraid of those who would cause us harm. We do get afraid when we are faced with the reality of potential death. We do fear the unknown. We do fear illnesses and their effect on us. We do fear growing old and the uncertainties that come with it. We do fear for our future and whether or not we will be equipped to handle it. Fear is natural and there are a lot of them. How we handle our fears is what is important. We can let our fears cripple us and keep us from living, or we can follow David's example and give them all to the Lord.

When we take our fears to the Lord and let Him handle them, amazing things begin to happen within us. The Lord wants us to give Him our fears. He wants us to be honest enough to admit to Him that we have them. He wants us to trust Him with them. He wants to free us from them. He wants us to know the peace of heart that comes from living without fear. He wants us to be able to keep on living no matter what may frighten us. He wants us to know that He is with us and will help us be overcomers.

Just like David, if you take your fears to the Lord and give them to Him, He will free you from them. You do not need to be a prisoner to your fears. You do not need to stop living because of them. The Lord will set you free from all your fears if you will but pray and give them over to Him. Wait on the Lord and He will give you the strength of heart to carry on. Rest in the Lord, and everything will be alright. You will be able to boldly face your fears with confidence and conquer them when you trust in the Lord.

Don't get me wrong; it is good to fear some things. It helps us to stay away from potential harm and danger. We should pay attention to our fears and be cautious, but we should not let them cripple us and keep us from living. Let the Lord have His way with you and He will help you overcome your fears.

Sunday, March 27, 2022



Ps. 34:3 Come, let us tell of the LORD's greatness; let us exalt his name together. NLT

This verse is dear to my heart. It is the verse I used when I proposed to my wife. She got the message right away and it has forever changed my life.

One of the fond memories I have growing up is testimony time in church services. There were frequently times set aside for people to tell what the Lord had been doing for them during the week. I know that many churches still include testimony time in their services, but for many, it has gone by the wayside. It is always good for people to hear what the Lord is doing in others' lives and to share what is going on in one's own life. It helps to re-enforce the reality that God meets with us outside the church walls and impacts our lives in a very personal and profound way. It's good to hear about God answering prayers, His faithfulness, and His goodness.

Saying that God is great and knowing it from personal experience is two totally different things. Everything about God is great and we need to often remind ourselves of that. It honors the Lord and blesses our souls when we come together and praise the Lord. It ought to be the goal of all our worship services to lift up the name of the Lord in praise and thanksgiving. We praise Him in song and through sharing together what He is doing in our lives. It is good to learn together about the Lord through our classes and sermons, but it is equally as important to sing forth His praises for He is worthy.

Saturday, March 26, 2022



Ps. 34:2 I will boast only in the LORD; let all who are discouraged take heart.

Boasting, we like to do it, don't we? We boast about a lot of things. We boast about our achievements. We boast when someone we love accomplishes something special. We boast about our careers, jobs, possessions, even our spirituality. It is just ingrained in us to want to draw attention to ourselves, or those we are connected with when accomplishments are achieved. We all know grandmothers who brag about their grandkids. Many carry around pictures to share at the drop of a hat. Guys brag about their cars, guns, physique, jobs, etc. There is no end to the things we brag about.

There was a lot that King David could have boasted about. He was king, a mighty warrior, a prolific writer, wealthy, a spiritual icon in his day, and was very popular in his world. He could have pointed out any number of things to boast about, but he didn't. David determined in his heart that he would only boast about one thing, the Lord.

David was only willing to boast about who the Lord is, what He had done, what He was doing for him now, and what He would do in the future. David loved the Lord so much that he only wanted to draw attention to Him, not himself. He understood that only in the Lord could we find encouragement for our living. It is only in the Lord that we find help for living. It is only in the Lord that we find purpose and meaning in the things we do and accomplish. It is only by living by faith in the Lord that we will ever see God.

The next time you are tempted to pat yourself on the back and draw attention to yourself, remember what David said, "I will boast only in the LORD; let all who are discouraged take heart."

Friday, March 25, 2022



Ps. 34:1 I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly sing his praises. NLT

Dear friend, determine in your heart today that you will praise the Lord at all times. Our willingness and ability to praise the Lord should never be determined by our circumstances of life. Yes, life does get messy. Things aren't always pleasant. We sometimes are heavy-burdened and distraught over what is happening in our lives. We get to the point where our faith is weak and we tend to crumble underneath the load. We are often deeply affected by the things that go wrong in our lives and do not feel like praising the Lord. We do tend to become more consumed by our circumstances than we are the Lord. Yet, we are to praise the Lord.

Singing God's praises is good for the soul. It takes our attention away from us and life and puts it where it should be, on the Lord. When we praise the Lord we are reminded of who He is, what He has done, and what He promises to do. We are reminded that life's circumstances do not define who we are. We are reminded that God is our Redeemer and friend, that He has not forsaken us and will be with us each step we take. When we praise the Lord we are declaring He is worthy to be praised and our confidence is in Him.

Make a commitment today to praise the Lord, to continually sing forth His praises at all times and you will know the joys of your salvation no matter what life may bring your way. Praise Him for the small things of life. Praise Him for the big things of life. Praise Him for life itself. Praise Him for eternal life. Praise Him for His promises and the hope we have in Him. In all things and at all times, let praise flow from your heart to His heart. Praise the Lord.  

Thursday, March 24, 2022



Ps. 147:4-5 He counts the stars and calls them all by name. How great is our LORD! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension! NLT

When was the last time you really pondered over the greatness of God? Have you considered the magnitude of the heavens? On a clear night, you can see more stars than you can count. We are told that the nearest one to us is over two light-years away and a light-year is how far light travels in a year at 186,000 miles per second. Some of the stars we see no longer exist. They are so far away from us that we are still seeing their light as it travels across space. We are told that there are billions of stars, and most are much larger than our own. The Psalmist tells us that every one of those stars has a name and the Lord knows it. He spoke them into existence and named them! I sometimes have trouble remembering one name, let alone billions of them. The Lord not only knows the name of every star, He knows the name of every soul. How great is our God!

Now, if God has the power to create such a thing as the heavens, don’t you think He has enough power to take care of you? There is absolutely nothing that is beyond the Lord’s ability to handle. There is nothing that can stand up to the power of God. His power and authority are absolute. We cannot grasp how it can be, but we know it is so.

Who can fathom the mind of God? Who can understand how God can be and how He can do what He has done? Who can grasp God’s potential? God’s greatness is beyond understanding. We certainly cannot figure Him out. All we can do is accept Him for who He is and submit to His power and authority over us. Only a fool would dare to ignore the Lord our God!  

Wednesday, March 23, 2022



Ps. 145:18 The LORD is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him sincerely. NLT

You can never stay close to the Lord if you don’t call on Him. Prayer is the only way you can get to the heart of God. Like anyone whom you love, the Lord thrives on communication. He wants to hear from you consistently and often. There is no getting around it. You must take the time and put forth the effort to pray. And, you must pray sincerely.

Prayer that does not flow from the heart is really not prayer at all. It’s not the words we say that touch the heart of God, it’s the meaning behind the words that we speak that He hears. The Lord hears what comes from the heart and not from the lips. So, if you want to know the closeness of God you must learn to pray from your heart and not your mind. You must learn to condition your heart to pray. And the condition of your heart is determined by how well it is saturated by God’s Word. The spirit and God’s Word are essential and inseparable for the heart that wants to draw near to the heart of God.

Closeness to God is also gleaned from living by faith and not by sight. It is daily letting faith determine how we live. It is consistently striving to put into practice the Word. It is understanding that what we believe doesn’t really matter if we don’t live it. The more we live out our faith, the closer we are drawn to God. He becomes more and more of a big deal to us. He is not someone we can ignore.

Take the Lord, His Word, and His presence seriously and He will always be near to your heart. We must fight the tendency to take faith for granted and the blessings of life we enjoy daily. We must discipline ourselves to be God-conscious. We must do things to help ourselves to stay near to the heart of God.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2022



Ps. 145:14 The LORD helps the fallen and lifts up those bent beneath their loads. NLT

Maybe you have never fallen or have been bent by the load of life you are carrying. If that is you, then this may be one of those verses that doesn’t mean much to you. However, for the rest of us, we can identify with what it is like and find hope and encouragement from this verse.

I have fallen many times in my walk with the Lord. I try not to sin, but I find myself doing it anyhow. I don’t want to sin, but it has a way of luring me in. It’s a battle that I will fight for the rest of my life. It’s not easy trying to live a pure life. Satan is an expert at exposing and exploiting our weaknesses. But, I have also found great joy in my struggles and failures because, the Lord helps me. He doesn’t turn His back on me when I fall down. Instead, He takes my hand and gets me back on my feet. He dusts me off, lovingly embraces me, and helps me begin my walk again. My sin causes me to flee to Him and seek His forgiveness. And, He forgives me! He is always there for me to remind me of what I have done and to help me get stronger so that I don’t do it again. I find that I repeat my sin less and less as I let the Lord help me.

I have often been bent over by the loads of life. The loads vary, but they are real. It is hard to walk with much consistency when you are weighed down. Progress, if any, is very slow. When I am underneath a load, I can think of very little else. I get weary and want to just not go on anymore. However, I have discovered that the Lord is always there to help me carry my load. He may or may not take it from me. When I am asked to carry it, He is there to lighten up the load for me. His presence reassures me and gives me hope. I know that the Lord will never let me fall down underneath the load so that I can’t get up. He gives me the strength and power to keep on going. Each step I take I know that He is with me. I know that I can do all things when He is with me. There is wondrous joy for those who let the Lord help them carry their load.

Always remember this wonderful truth. The LORD helps us when we fall and when we are bent down by the heavy burdens of life. He never lets us walk or carry our burdens alone. To God be the glory!

Monday, March 21, 2022



Ps. 133:1 How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live together in harmony. NLT

It is wonderful when we can get along. The problem is, it doesn't happen as often or as well as it should. It seems like there is always something that divides us. The reason why there are so many churches today is that people just did not get along as well as they could and should have. We know that no two people think exactly the same on everything, and that is the way it should be. But, when we let our differences divide us instead of finding a way to live together in harmony, fellowship is broken.

Sometimes broken fellowship gets ugly. Sometimes the breach is so bad that there is no repairing it, even though we both claim to love and worship the same God. We miss out on so much that we can bring into each other's life when we let our differences interfere with relationships we could have.

It is a wonderful thing when we learn to live together in harmony. If you are struggling to get along with someone, why not ask the Lord to help you find a way to set aside your differences? It is God's desire that we strive to live peaceably with each other as much as we can.

I suspect that we could find a way to do it if we would only be willing to try. The Lord never tells us to do what can't be done. If we do our part and try, much of what alienates us from each other will go away. Instead of wallowing around and justifying our severed relationships, we need to seek reconciliation as much as possible. We may not be able to mend the broken-down fences, but at least we tried to live obediently and live peaceably with all men. Many broken relationships are never restored simply because no one would make the first move and reach out to the other.

It is God's design and delight when we are able to live in harmony with each other. Much more can be done for Christ's sake when we are pulling together instead of pulling each other apart.

Do you have any broken relationships that need mending? Why not take the first step and reach out to those you are having trouble with? It is wonderful when God's children get along with each other. It makes living so much more pleasant and easier. With Christ's help, you can do.

Sunday, March 20, 2022



Ps. 130:3-4 LORD, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O LORD, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness that we might learn to fear you. NLT

If I had to single out which of God's blessings mean the most to me, this would be right at the top of the list. I have sinned a lot in my lifetime. I have done and said things that I wish I could take back or forget. I still do things that are sin to God. If the Lord were to keep track of each one and record them to hold them against me, I would have zero chance of ever making it to heaven.

But, instead of keeping a record of my wrongdoings, the Lord forgives me. Not only does He forgive me, He wipes the slate clean with a permanent cleaning solution (His blood) so that they are remembered no more. Only the Lord is able to do that. We can forgive, but we can't forget everything. Forgiveness is the ultimate proof of love. We don't deserve to be forgiven. We don't deserve the opportunity to learn how to live in fellowship with God and to fear Him.

When we are forgiven by the Lord, we must forgive ourselves. We can't undo what has been done and said. We accept God's forgiveness and make a covenant with Him that we will move forward in grace and not live in the past. We let go of the pain and sufferings we may have caused. We let go of the consequences of our sins. Where we can, we strive to right the wrong of what we have done, but where we can't, we let the blood of Christ set us free from the past.

When we are forgiven by the Lord, we extend His forgiveness to others. They may not change their ways, but we can change ours. We can in Christ forgive and learn to love those who wrong us. In fact, we can't really love the Lord unless we do.

When we are forgiven, we learn how to fear the Lord. We learn how to respect Him for who He is. We learn how to keep Him in our thoughts and let Him govern our lives. We learn how to pay attention to what He says and do it.

Thank you, Lord, for your amazing grace.

Saturday, March 19, 2022



Ps. 128:1 How happy are those who fear the LORD--all who follow his ways! NLT

There is much resistance today about fearing the Lord. The thinking is that because we live in grace, God is no longer to be feared. The emphasis is on God's love and not His holy nature. When we talk about Him being holy, we treat it lightly, as if it no longer needs to concern us. We have mellowed God to the point where He is no longer perceived to be fearsome. We hide in grace and don't talk much about God being holy and the judge of all sin. Hell is seldom talked or preached about. Preaching a soul to the altar no longer characterizes our preaching. Condemnation for sin is not promoted much.

I wonder what we have lost as a result of our "new" approach to the Gospel. Is the church as strong as it once was, a guiding voice in the local culture? Has the fire gone out of our evangelism? Are we as concerned for lost souls as we once were? Does anyone really listen to us anymore? Are we paying a price for removing the altar out of our churches? Why is there an alarming shortage of pastors in the evangelical church? Why is it that there are so many in the pulpits today preaching a different message than the Gospel?

I believe there is a correlation between the condition of the church today and our sacrificing our fear of God. Fearing God instills within a respect for God in His holiness. It keeps us aware of our need for Him. It motivates us to not take for granted God's grace. It keeps us from removing God from off His throne. It keeps us from adapting God to our liking. It moves us to live holy lives before Him.

Those who fear the Lord are happy because they are diligent about staying right with God. Their relationship with God is the most important part of their lives. They purposely and diligently seek Him. Because God is the priority of life, they know the peace of God that comes from knowing all is well with their soul. There is no greater joy in life than to follow the Lord in all His ways.  

Friday, March 18, 2022



Ps. 127:3 Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. NLT

Throughout history, children have had mixed reviews. History records how children have often been treated no better than animals, sometimes even worse. Children have often been regarded as a problem for those who have birthed them. They have often been victimized, abused, and discarded as if they didn't exist. In most places in the world today, nothing has changed.

Many adults lord it over their children. They have little regard for their humanness. They don't care about their feelings or thought processes. They force their wills on their children. They use their power and authority over them and care very little about the effect it has on them. Children are considered by many to be a liability and measures are taken to keep them even from existing.

But God does not see children as so many do. Children are a gift from the Lord. Each child is precious in the Lord's sight. God puts His imprint on each child's life. Each child is created by God for a purpose. God has a plan for each one. God loves each child dearly and it grieves His heart when man thwarts His plans. I believe there will be a great punishment on Judgment Day for those who deliberately and maliciously mistreat and snuff out the lives of children.

Your life is precious in the Lord's sight. Dear child, the Lord loves you. He created you in your mother's womb to be just who you are. He brought you into the world with purpose and has very special plans for you. The Lord wants to lavish on you His love. He wants you to know just how special you are to Him. The Lord wants to bless you and keep you for His own for all of eternity. Oh, dear friend, do not believe the lies of Satan and others about you. You are a precious gift from God. You are special and dearly loved by Him. Your life is not an accident. God created you and longs to have eternal fellowship with you.

Children are a reward, not a curse, for the righteous. We have our children in our lives for such a short period of time. Each child should be lavished with love and cared for carefully. The Lord entrusts you with the opportunity to bring them up in the Lord. He considers you dependable and believes in your ability to prepare your children for life. Teach your children the ways of the Lord by the things you say and do and when they are older they will never be able to get away from them.

Thursday, March 17, 2022



Ps. 127:1 Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is useless. Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good. NLT

This verse speaks to me. First, unless the Lord builds His church, the church is useless. The tendency by many is to build the church around certain people, who may or may not be centered in Christ and intent on doing His will. There is the temptation to instill our agenda in the church and lose sight completely of what the will of Christ is. Programs, personalities, and productions, no matter how good they may seem to be, are useless unless they are centered in and directed by Christ.

Another thing that strikes me is that unless one's home is built by the Lord, the home is useless. No eternal good will come from the home if the Lord is not in it. Out of the home comes that which we need to face the world unscathed. If the Lord is not in the home, there is little chance that we can survive, let alone thrive, for Christ outside the home. There is no greater place where the soul can be nourished, encouraged, and inspired than in the home. It is our training ground for the world.

Unless the Lord is in charge and doing the building, what we do is useless. We can assist Him, but we can never take His place as the Lord of our living. When the Lord is in charge, He protects our souls. Whenever we fail to let the Lord watch over our souls and protect us, we make a mess of things. We are not alert or sharp enough to stay out of trouble when we strive to be the watchman over our souls. We need the Lord’s constant help and influence.

Whether it is in the church, the home, or in the world, if we try to wing it without the Lord orchestrating our lives, we labor in vain.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022



Ps. 122:1 I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD." NLT

Be honest. When was the last time you could say you were glad to go to church? We attend church for a variety of reasons, but do we do so out of gladness? Are you so connected with Christ that you can't wait to get to church?

Does the stuff of life sap the gladness out of you? It is easy to let life determine our attitude in worship. We can focus on the things of life, or we can focus our thoughts on God. What we focus on determines whether or not gladness follows us as we gather for worship.

Gladness is not something we can manufacture for special events. It is rooted in the heart and flows from it. It is nurtured by living consistently in a relationship with Christ every day. Gladness is rooted in thankfulness. The more grateful you are for Christ in your life, the more naturally gladness will flow from your heart. Consider the goodness and blessings of the Lord and watch your heart bubble with gladness.

Do people sap the gladness out of you? People are not always easy to get along with, even in church. There are issues that arise that cause us to not want to be around certain people. Some have personality traits that rub us the wrong way. Regardless of the situation, let me ask you this, "Do you gather for worship to be with people or with the Lord? Is your focus on the people that surround you or on God who envelopes you?" When God is the focus of our worship, then gladness can drive our worship.

Does sin sap the gladness out of you? We all sin and it has an adverse effect on us. It dampens our souls. We are plagued by guilt and shame. God seems so far away. The only remedy of our sin problem is to confess them before the Lord, ask Him to forgive us, and determine in our hearts to go and sin no more. When our hearts are pure before God, there is a spring in our steps; gladness floods our souls.

Does weariness sap the gladness out of you? Learn the meaning of the word no when there is too much on your plate and get some rest for your body and soul. No one can maintain gladness of heart when they are physically and mentally worn out and frazzled.

"I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the LORD."

Tuesday, March 15, 2022



Ps. 121:5-8 The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shield. The sun will not hurt you by day, nor the moon at night. The LORD keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. NLT

What I want us to think about today is that it is the LORD who watches over us and does what He does for us. Stop and consider who He is. He is Lord. What do we mean when we call Him, Lord? He is the absolute ruler and controller of life. There is no power or authority equal to Him. He is the beginning and end of all things. He has the right to determine life and how it is lived. He alone is able to control and alter that which He has created. He alone is worthy to be called Lord.

Now, go back and reread the verses for today. It is the LORD who watches over you. Isn't that great news?!! He doesn't miss a thing in His gaze. He knows at all times where you are at. The LORD stands as your protective shield. Satan cannot get to you!! You are absolutely safe when you are under His care. No one, nothing, can harm you when the Lord is protecting you.

The LORD keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. He keeps you from ALL evil. Isn't that a marvelous truth? The Lord will not let evil overtake you as long as you stay under His care. No matter what kind of sin it may be, the Lord can, and wants to, protect you from it. His intent is to keep you free from sin and to preserve your life for eternity.

Now, this wonderful truth requires our cooperation. We must let the Lord watch over us and protect us. We must not strike out on our own. We must abide in Him always. We must work with Him to keep us holy.

The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, which reminds me that I am never alone. He is always keeping His eyes on us. He is always aware of our needs and is ever ready to meet them. He is with me each step I take. He is my Lord, my Emmanuel!

Monday, March 14, 2022



Ps. 121:3-4 He will not let you stumble and fall, the one who watches over you will not sleep. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never tires and never sleeps. NLT

Let this wonderful truth comfort and bless your heart today. The Lord watches over, protects, and takes care of His children all the time. There is never a moment in which the Lord is not aware of where we are at. He knows when we stumble and is there to pick us up when we fall. He will not let us stay down.

There are many reasons why we may stumble and fall. We may take our eyes off of where we are going and lose our bearings. We may not notice the obstacles in our path and stumble over them. We may get in too big of a hurry and outrun the Light before us. We may become more tuned into the voice of Satan than the Lord and become unsteady in our walk. Our tendency is to stumble. The only way we can walk steadily is if we walk with our hands firmly clasped in the Lord's hand on solid ground at the pace the Lord wants us to walk.

The Lord watches over all our steps all the time. He never goes off duty. He never takes a vacation. The Lord is always alert and never grows weary. You would think that He would become tiresome with all we put Him through, but He never does. He is always at His best. He never tires or sleeps.

You are never out of the Lord's sight or protective care. He is on your side and will see you home to heaven. He never abandons those whose eyes are fixed on Him. He will help you when you are down to get back on your feet.

Don't ever believe Satan's lie that all hope is gone. Don't let him persuade you that the Lord has abandoned you. Rather, believe God who declares that He will not let you down. He will not let you stumble and fall away from His watchful care. He watches over you all the time. There is never a time in which you are out of His sight.

Thank you, Lord, for being our constant guiding and protecting Light.

Sunday, March 13, 2022



Ps. 121:1-2 I look up to the mountains---does my help come from there? My help comes from the LORD, who made the heavens and the earth! NLT

If there is but one truth that we must get, it is this. Our help comes from the Lord. No one can help us with our most basic needs of life except the Lord. Only the Lord can peel away those things that don't really matter and get to the core of our needs. There is nothing that you will find in this world that helps you in a way that really matters. Our most basic need is a right relationship with God. If we don't get that right, nothing else really matters. We come into the world with absolutely nothing and we will leave the same way. If we don't have the Lord, we have nothing.

You may look everywhere in life for help, but if you don't look to the Lord, you will be bitterly disappointed by what you find. Only the Lord has the wisdom and ability to help you find your way to heaven. Before you start looking for help with whatever need you may have, first look to the Lord. His help is sufficient for your every need.

There are many gifted and very wise people in the world whom we have learned are trustworthy and deserving of our respect. They may have a great understanding and love the Lord deeply. Yet, we must never rely upon them in place of the Lord. We must never think that their wisdom and counsel are the final say. Only the Lord knows all things and has all understanding. Only the Lord can be counted on to always give us the best advice and guidance. Only the Lord will never fail us.

The Lord will never let you down or disappoint you if you will but trust Him to help you. He made the heavens and the earth and is more than capable of helping you. Study the Scriptures diligently and you will find the help you need. Will you let Him help you today?  

Saturday, March 12, 2022



Ps. 118:24 This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. NLT

We don't know what is going to be in our day. For some of us, there will be great blessings from God. For some of us, there will be great difficulty or even suffering. For some of us, there will be much opposition to our faith. Some of us will experience ridicule because of our faith. Some of us will face unexpected circumstances that will throw us for a loop. Some of us will be standing at death’s door.

The attitude we have before we get started on our day will determine how we face whatever we may encounter today. If we are determined to be positive and praise the Lord no matter what, we will have a great day. If we are not determined to see opportunities to praise Him, we will probably not have such a great day. Each day is a gift from the Lord. He gives us life and the opportunity to live it to the fullest. He wants us to have fun as we go through our day. He wants us to see good in all things. The enjoyment we get from today is directly related to our ability to praise the Lord. There are lessons to learn today. There are things we must go through to grow stronger in our faith. There are things we must do and say as a witness for Him. There are things we will face that require us to go through by faith and not by sight.

The choice is yours to make. You can have a great day in the Lord by being thankful and rejoicing in it, or you can have a lousy day by letting circumstances dictate how you feel. Don't let your experiences determine whether or not you will rejoice. Be determined before you even start your day that you WILL rejoice and be glad in it. You don't have to like the circumstance you may be in to find a reason to rejoice in it. Rejoice! You are a child of God bound for heaven with Jesus as your ever-present guide and help.  

Friday, March 11, 2022



Ps. 118:8 It is better to trust the LORD than to put confidence in people. NLT

In case you haven't noticed it yet, people will disappoint you. People will not always treat you fairly or nicely. People will not always have your best interests in mind. People will not always be honest with you. In other words, people are unreliable. You must be wise in whom you trust. Trust only those who have earned the right to be trusted. And, it takes time to observe a person in action before you know whether or not they can be trusted. Don't just jump into a relationship with someone you don't know anything about. Check them out. If you need help in discerning someone's character, go to the Lord who knows the character of every soul.

One of the problems with people is that we are all sinners. No one is going to act perfectly towards you all the time. Everyone is capable of breaking your trust in them. It is why grace is so important in our lives. Not every misstep is worthy of a broken trust. We need to extend grace to others as much as we can. There are certainly issues that arise that are worthy of a broken trust, but don't hold all people at arm's length out of fear they can't be trusted.

You may not be able to trust some people, but you can always trust in the Lord. The Lord never varies in who He is. He is absolute Truth. He is always holy. He will never let you down. He will never seek anything but your good. He will always act in a loving way towards you. The Lord is always worthy of your trust. If you will let Him, He will take care of you and bring to completion all the good He has planned for you.

You can trust the Lord with anything and everything. He will never violate your trust in Him. He always keeps doing what He says He will do. He will always be who He is. Put your life in His hands. The more you learn from Him, the more confidence you will have in His trustworthiness. God earned your trust in Him at Calvary.

Thursday, March 10, 2022



Ps. 116:15 The LORD's loved ones are precious to him; it grieves him when they die. NLT

This is a verse that comforts the soul. We need to be reminded of it over and over again. We who are children of God are precious to Him. Dear friend, you need to grasp this awesome truth today. You are loved by God and are precious to Him. Regardless of how you may feel about it, it is true. God's love for you does not depend on how you feel or your circumstances of life. He loves you. And, His love for you is not a sentimental love. He loves you with the highest form of love there is. He loves you unconditionally and sacrificially. You do not have to be somebody, know somebody, or cater to anybody to be loved by God. You are loved simply because God is love and it is impossible for Him to not love you.

You are precious to Him. You may sense that you don't matter to anyone. There may be times in which you feel like your life is so insignificant that if you weren't alive no one would care. You may feel like everyone is against you and that your life is worthless. Those thoughts and feelings come straight from the pits of hell. Dear child, you are precious to the Lord. He loves you and loves to hold you close. You are the object of His love. You are why He came to earth and died at Calvary. You are why He is in heaven today preparing a dwelling place for you. Because you are precious to Him, He will never leave you alone or forsake you. He will always be available to you when you call on Him. He will always come to your rescue when everyone else abandons you.

It grieves the Lord when people die. The Lord loves and He is grieved when people die without knowing His love. He is not willing that anyone would perish and spend eternity in hell. It would be the greatest news the Lord could ever have if hell would be empty except for Satan and his demonic forces. He loves everyone in the world and longs for fellowship with them, but He knows that most will spurn His love and not be with Him in heaven. It greatly grieves the heart of God when a soul goes to hell because they chose to not let Him be the lover of their soul.

Oh dear friend, won't you let the Lord love you today? No matter what your circumstances may be or how you may feel, won't you open up your heart to Him and let Him give you a love bath? Let the Lord in and let Him hold you close. You will be glad you did. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the life of His children.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022



Ps. 116:12-14 What can I offer the LORD for all he has done for me? I will lift up a cup symbolizing his salvation. I will praise the LORD’s name for saving me. I will keep my promises to the LORD in the presence of all his people. NLT

There is nothing we can offer the Lord that can come close to being good enough to show our gratitude for our salvation. His gift of life is priceless. It cannot be fully understood or appreciated. All we can do is treasure it. The more we treasure it, the more valuable it becomes to us.

I fear that many of us do not treasure it much. We accept it, but then we take it for granted and let it lose its luster in our lives. We don’t take pride in it and keep it fresh and glowing in our lives. We let our living tarnish it and even render it useless in our lives. We treat God’s gift with little respect and fail to appreciate what we have been given. How can we be so foolish?

Salvation is the gateway into heaven. Salvation is the gateway into holiness. It is God’s way of preparing us so that we can enter into His presence without fear and judgment because of our sin. Salvation allows us to have fellowship with God! Salvation is God’s guarantee that we will not spend eternity in hell.

I challenge you to keep the promises you made to the Lord. When you first believed, did you promise Him the best of your love? Did you promise Him to go anywhere He would lead you, to do whatever He bid you to do? Did you promise Him that you would right some wrong that you had done? Did you promise Him that you would be faithful to Him and do what is right in His eyes? Did you promise to let Him have His way with you?

Lift up the cup of your salvation to the Lord today. Repent of those things that are not true to your salvation. Repent of the promises you have made to the Lord and have not kept. Renew your vows to Him. Let your heart once again be able to sing His praises. He is waiting for you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022



Ps. 115:1 Not to us, O LORD, but to you goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness. NLT

We are not as careful as we should be about accepting the praise and adoration of others. We like the attention and sometimes let it go to our heads. We get the idea that we deserve it. We accept praise because of our hard work and talents. We somehow get the idea we are worthy of the attention lavished on us. We soak it up and before you know it, we become arrogant and proud of who we are and what we have done.

We are sinners by nature and it is the natural thing for us to do. It takes determination and a right relationship with God for us to resist the temptation. We must constantly be reminded of the fact that only God deserves the praise, honor, and glory others try to bestow on us. We dare not forget that who we are and what we become are all because of God’s mercy and grace. It is God who enables us to become who we are. God alone deserves the credit.

If our heart is right with God, we will want to give Him the glory for all things. We will understand that it is because of God’s unfailing love and faithfulness towards us that we are who we are. We will understand that we deserve nothing from God but His wrath, but instead He has given us His mercy and favor.

If our hearts are right with God, we will be careful to not hoard the praise of others. Instead, we will give it to the Lord who alone deserves it. We will not take ourselves seriously. We will always understand who we are before Him. We will always strive to please and honor Him in all things. We will understand that whatever we may be able to become or achieve is because of God’s gracious work in us. And, we will understand that all of it can be taken away from us in a moment if we let sin creep in and take away from the Lord the glory due His holy name.

Monday, March 7, 2022



Ps. 111:10 Reverence for the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom. The rewards of wisdom come to all who obey him. NLT

Do you want wisdom so that you can live rightly before God? If so, it begins with reverence for the Lord. We must be in awe of who God is. The Lord cannot be contained by our thoughts of Him. He is not limited by what we know of Him. He is much greater than the creation He created. All that exists came into being by the utterance of His word. He said it, it was, and it still is. God is the essence of all things good and holy. He is governed by His holiness and driven by His love. It is the Lord who did the impossible; He set us free from sin’s death grip on us and forever removed our sins from us, to be remembered no more. Wise is he who understands these things and bows before God in worship.

God rewards those who obey Him. If you desire to live within the blessings of God, obey Him. When we obey the Lord we do it without picking and choosing what we will or will not do. We will obey the Lord in all things. Selective obedience is no obedience at all. Whatever the Lord instructs and commands us to do, we strive to do it. Great is the reward of those who have enough reverence and respect for the Lord that they submit to His authority over them and obey Him. Empty are the words of those who declare their love for the Lord and do not obey Him.

Revere the Lord and you will find true wisdom. Wise are those who obey the Lord. Great are the rewards of those who find true wisdom.

Sunday, March 6, 2022



Ps. 111:7-8 All he does is just and good, and all his commandments are trustworthy. They are forever true, to be obeyed faithfully and with integrity. NLT

One of the strengths of the Psalmist is that he knew how to observe the workings of God in life. He recognized God’s goodness and character in nearly every circumstance and rather than look negatively at God, he looked positively. He relied heavily on what he knew to be true about God and did not let circumstances cause him to doubt or change his mind. It’s a lesson of life we must learn as well.

ALL He does is just and good. The Lord never fails in doing good and meting out justice. ALL of His commandments are trustworthy. There is nothing that God says that cannot be trusted. God has NEVER spoken a lie and never will. What God says He means and He means what He says. We are to take His Word for what He says and faithfully live it with integrity of heart. We are to do our best with what we know and understand and we are to do our best to grow in our understanding. The more we know and understand the more like Him we will become.

So, what do you know about God? Are you looking, listening, and learning about our God? Are you regularly reading His Word to discover new things? The more interest you show in learning about God, the more of himself He will reveal to you. How great is our God!

Saturday, March 5, 2022



Ps. 111:2,3 How amazing are the deeds of the LORD! All who delight in him should ponder them. Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails. NLT

Have you stopped lately to consider what the Lord has done in your life, in the world? I often read the Old Testament and it is full of God's dealings with man. We discover there many things about God as He contends with sinful man. We discover how merciful God is with a people who continuously reject Him. We discover how God always gives man a way out of his sinfulness. We discover how unbelievably patient God is and the depth of His love for a wayward people. It is amazing when you stop to think about how a holy God could be so gracious, forgiving, kind, and loving to a people who just don't seem to care much about Him.

When we stop and look at our own lives, we discover much of the same things going on. We now have the help of Christ to keep us right with God, but we often struggle to live the life we profess to have. God's expectations for us are the same; He commands us to be a holy people. He has given us Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help make us holy. We, just like those who have gone before us, struggle with holy living. Yet, God never abandons us because we struggle. He constantly is at work in our lives to help us. He guides us, teaches us, convicts us, and empowers us. We are loved by God beyond our ability to comprehend.

Everything the Lord does is a display of His glory and majesty. He is incomparable. His glory and majesty fill the heavens and the earth. He made all that is and sustains it. We who take delight in His presence are His crowning glory and majesty. Everything He does in and through us are a testimony of how great our God is.

His righteousness never fails. His righteousness is sufficient! When we live in Christ, our righteousness, we lack nothing. We are all we need to be to make it to heaven. In Christ alone, we are made acceptable to God. There is nothing we can do to make ourselves more fit for heaven. All who live in Christ will be in heaven someday. We cannot add to or take away from what Jesus did for us at Calvary.

Friday, March 4, 2022



Ps. 107:8-9 Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for all his wonderful deeds to them. For he satisfies the thirst and fills the hungry with good things. NLT

Praise the Lord for His great love. He is love. There is enough love in the heart of God to love everyone who has ever lived or shall yet live on earth. There is no depleting God's love. God loves the lovely and unlovely. There is no bias in His love. There is nothing anyone can do to not be loved by God. Everything God does is blanketed by His love.

Praise the Lord for his wonderful deeds. God's love is balanced by His holiness and goodness. It is a wondrous thing to observe what God does amongst men. We don't always understand His workings at the time, but when we see what God does from the perspective of time, we stand in amazement at the goodness of God in all He does. God works amongst men for their good and for His glory. God knows what we need to have and experience in life in order for our hearts to be holy before Him. He knows how to treat us well.

Praise the Lord for He satisfies our thirst and fills our hunger with good things. The Lord is our provider. He takes care of all that we need. What we need more than anything else in life is pure hearts. We may want more, but we don't need it. The Lord purifies those who hunger and thirst for Him. Those who desire to be made right before God will be given all that is needed to be holy.

Praise the Lord for He is love. Praise Him for His wonderful deeds. Praise Him for He satisfies all the longings of our souls when we seek Him. In all things and at all times, let us praise the Lord.

Thursday, March 3, 2022



Ps. 101:4-5 I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride. NLT

In order to live a godly life, we must not mess around. We cannot dabble in sin and think it’s okay. We must reject all that is perverse and stay away from every evil. Look in the mirror. How are you doing? Are you aware of the sin around you and are you avoiding it? I understand that it is everywhere and we can’t avoid it, but we can choose not to participate in it. We can choose to look away and walk away from it. We don’t have to go where it is at or linger in its presence. I know that it captivates us and it takes willpower to resist it. But, we are able to do it. We must turn away from it and turn to Christ. When we do, He gives us the strength to stay turned away.

In order to be godly, we must not tolerate people who act in ungodly ways towards others. People everywhere disrespect and abuse others. It ought to cause us to reject those who do. When people are driven by their sinful nature and set themselves up as being better than others, we ought to reject them for their pride. The Lord wants us to treat each other with love and respect. He desires that we be a people of compassion and honor. We are to be encouragers and not discouragers of others. We are to spur one another on to godliness, and not hold them back by our attitude towards them.

Now, don’t misunderstand what I am saying. We should treat others with respect and be gracious towards them regardless of how they act, but we should never excuse their attitudes and behavior as if they have done nothing wrong. We must not ignore or go along with them. We must always stand up against sin and resist it however it manifests itself.

We cannot control or change people who are into evil and mistreat others, but we don't have to just sit around and say and do nothing either. We should be a voice against the evil around us. We need to speak out against those who promote evil and do evil things. We should stand strong on all that is good and righteous. The evil that surrounds us should alarm us and cause us to do what we can to curtail it.

Don’t just claim to be right with God, live like it. Take responsibility for your soul and how you relate to others. Be the person God created and desires you to be in Christ.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022



Ps. 101:2-3 I will be careful to live a blameless life--when will you come to my aid? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all crooked dealings; I will have nothing to do with them. NLT

Are you willing to make this commitment to the Lord today? Are you willing to strive to live a blameless life, including in your home? We know that it is the right thing to do. God wants us to live righteously so we don’t suffer the consequences of sin. Jesus is the one who makes us righteous, so in order for us to become righteous and blameless, we must live in close relationship with Him. We must make the commitment. We must determine in our hearts and minds that we are going to do it, that we are going to live under the lordship of Christ and let Him make us right with God.

Living in Christ means we will lead a life of integrity. That is, in all things we will be honest and dependable. It also means that we will take responsibility for what we allow into our hearts and minds, refusing to look at anything that is vile and vulgar. Do you turn away from those things which fall underneath this category? Do you avoid those things which influence you and stir up within you a desire to sin? It’s a real battle sometimes and it’s not an easy battle to win. Satan knows our weaknesses and never gives up trying to exploit them. We must always be aware of his tactics and be willing to resist him through the power of Christ within us. When we are being tempted, we turn to the Lord and ask Him to help us be strong and resist.

Living in Christ also means that we despise dishonest dealings. We strive to treat others with respect and honor. We refuse to take advantage of others for personal gain. We refuse to compromise godliness for the sake of our comfort.

We must choose daily whom we will serve. Sometimes our choices put us into difficult or uncomfortable circumstances, but we must determine whom we will serve. Are you willing to commit yourself to serving the Lord completely? You cannot have it both ways and expect to remain right with God. He will not accept a half-hearted attempt to live a godly life. We must work hard at doing what is right before God. If it were easy, everybody would be doing it.

Are you willing to be amongst the few who really please the Lord? Are you willing to give your best to the Lord, the best of your heart and mind?

Tuesday, March 1, 2022



Ps. 100:4-5 Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and bless his name. For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues to each generation. NLT

Attitude is everything. How and why we approach God matters. If we constantly approach Him with our complaints or problems, it robs us of the fellowship we need with Him. We come to Him to solve our problems because He is our problem solver, but when He is nothing more than that to us, we lose the joy of living in fellowship with Him. Instead of focusing on what is not right in our world, we must learn to focus on the Lord and who He is.

Worship involves adoration. We must learn to focus on God for who He is and not just on what He does. We must learn to appreciate the Lord in His majestic glory. We must discover the Lord in His holy love. We must rediscover the Lord, our God, as absolute holiness and goodness. We must learn how to approach God with no agenda other than to worship Him. We must learn how to enjoy the time we spend in the presence of God.

When we focus on the Lord for who He is, we swell up with thanksgiving and praise. God is not far removed from us! He became flesh and dwelt for a while amongst us. He took upon himself our sin and shame, our condemnation before God, and made us into children of God. The Lord has not left us alone to fend for ourselves in our quest for God. He gave us His Spirit, his Word, and His children to help us. The Lord has poured into our lives His goodness and love. We are never outside the security of His love.

Let us pause right now and give the Lord, our God, our thanksgiving and praise. Let us thank Him and bless His holy name. Feast on the richness of His nearness, love, and grace. The Lord is our faithful lover. The Lord chose to love us before we were ever conceived. There has never been born anyone who has not been loved by God.

Let us set aside for a moment all of our concerns and burdens and worship the Lord for who He is. He is perfect love, holiness, and goodness all in one. Enter into His gates and praise His holy name.