Monday, May 8, 2023




Isaiah 53:1-3

You cannot read the Bible without knowing who Jesus is. Those who are confused about who He is have never read the Scriptures, deny that what is written is true, or are so deeply immersed in sin that they cannot grasp that He is God wrapped up in our humanity.

Through Isaiah, the prophet, Jesus is revealed as a servant of God. 2 We don’t very often think of Him that way, but Jesus himself said that He came not to be served, but to serve. Jesus came as a servant of God to do His will, to be the perfect sacrificial lamb for our sins. Jesus never backed down when confronted about whether or not He was the promised Messiah, the Son of God. He made very bold and clear statements about His being God. Matt. 26:62-64 In a role that only He could fill, Jesus was God serving up to us eternal salvation.

As a servant of God, Jesus humbled himself and became man to die for our sins. John 1:12,14 Jesus was the perfect balance between God and man. He was fully God and fully man. We read in the Scriptures that Jesus experienced what all humans do. He was hungry, tired, angry, frustrated, saddened, compassionate, needed alone time, suffered great pain, was mocked, and felt forsaken by even God himself.

We see Jesus as a great lover of people. He reached out to them and helped them with their physical and spiritual needs. He was the greatest example of love the world has ever known. It was His love for us that moved Him to offer himself as the sacrifice for our sins, and it was His love that kept Him on the cross until our salvation was won.

. Isaiah portrayed Christ as being just a normal looking man. There was nothing special about His appearance that drew people to Him. He was a carpenter by trade growing up. He did not glow as you might expect from someone coming from heaven. He was not a world leader. He was not among the rich and famous. He did not win any popularity contest.

Yet, He changed the very course of history. He did what only He could do. He opened up the doors of heaven for us. He made it possible for our sins to be forgiven. He broke down all the barriers of humanity and offers salvation to all who would receive Him. Hallelujah, what a Savior!

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