Monday, August 31, 2020




James 1:22-25 And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. If you don't obey, you are only fooling yourself. For if you just listen and don't obey, it is like looking at your face in a mirror but doing nothing to improve your appearance. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law---the law that sets you free---and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. NLT

      Are you a listener, doer, or both? Most of us fall into the category of either a listener or doer. There aren't that many of us who do both. We love to listen to the Word being preached and taught. We agree with what we hear and go away thinking that is good enough. We get our spiritual pill and go about our merry way, digesting very little of it to the point where it makes much difference in our lives.

      Some of us go full steam ahead and listen very little. We don't waste our time listening because there is so much to do. We are convinced we know enough truth to sustain our energy level and see no reason to pause long enough to do much more learning. We are content to not grow up, thinking that it is fine for the spiritual elite but we don't need it.

     Whether you are a listener or doer, it is a huge mistake to do the one without the other. The servant who pleases the Lord is he who listens to what God says, digests it, and then applies it to life. Knowledge without action is futile and so is action without knowledge. We must strive to do both.

      Look steadily into God's law. Read it, meditate upon it, and then find ways to live it out. We must constantly be looking into God's Word. If we don't, we will soon forget what it says. We need a steady and regular time in which to spend in it so that we can know what God wants us to know. If you aren't reading and thinking about the Word on a regular basis, you will never be able to please the Lord with the way you are living.

      The Lord blesses those who apply the Word to their living.  Without application, the Word is nothing more than a bunch of words.  They sound good, but do us no good.  What is the point in believing in something that doesn’t change a thing?  And, how can it change us without us taking it to heart and seeking ways to apply it? 

      Don’t just let the Word speak to you; do something about it and live it out in the world. 

Sunday, August 30, 2020




James 1:22  And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. If you don’t obey, you are only fooling yourself.  NLT

       It is good to listen to the Word of God; it is far better to listen to it and obey it.  We tend to be good listeners, but poor when it comes to obeying it.  We give mental agreement to what we hear and we may even say “Amen” to it, but if we don’t obey it, it is a waste of our time.  Think about it for a moment.  When was the last time you heard something in a message that was a life-changer for you? 

      We gather together to study the Bible.  We gather together in worship where the Word is proclaimed.  We enjoy the time spent in the Word, but it hasn’t any real impact on the way we live and think.  We take great delight in listening to dynamic speakers proclaim the Word. However, if we don’t apply the things we learn and know, we are only fooling ourselves.  Hearing from God is more than a spiritual duty we perform; it is a life-changing event.  We won’t hear life-changing messages all the time, but we will hear them often enough to change our behavior and thought lives if we will but listen and apply them to life. 

      If you never hear anything that really makes a difference in your life, then a couple of things need to happen.  You need to first examine your heart and seek to discover what is keeping you from hearing from God.  Is there sin plugging up your ears so you can’t hear?  If so, you need to repent of it so you can once again hear the voice of God.

       If you can’t hear from God because he who speaks never speaks clearly from God, then either get rid of the speaker or go somewhere else where God is clearly speaking.  Hearing from God is too important of a matter to not be in a position     where you can hear what He has to say. 

      You will not hear from God if you are not into His Word where He clearly speaks.  Daily you need to be in the Word with the expectation that God will speak to you.  God will move you if you listen to Him. 

Saturday, August 29, 2020




James 1:21 So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the message God has planted in your hearts, for it is strong enough to save your souls.  NLT

      Those who are truly saved stand out amongst men.  They are a people who do not act, think or speak like the world.  They are a pure people who live by God’s standards and not man’s.  They are a people who are constantly changing into godliness.  They do away with all that is filthy and evil in their lives.

      Notice that those who are truly saved have the responsibility of getting rid of all that is evil in their lives.  We must have the desire to get rid of it all.  We must take measures to get rid of it.  We cannot just sit back and expect the Lord to do it for us.  It takes work on our part, because some evil habits and ways of thinking are stubborn and not easily gotten rid of.  Purifying the heart and mind is a process that never ends.  Progress depends on the amount of effort we put into it.

      Those who are truly saved listen carefully to what God has to say and humbly embrace it as their own.  They understand the importance of listening to God.  They are interested in what the Word says and strive to apply it to their lives.  They do not try to make it say what they want it to say.  They don’t care how uncomfortable the Word may make them feel because they know that it is true and must be applied to their lives.  They are a people who welcome the implanting of God’s Word into their hearts.

      Those who are truly saved understand the importance of God’s Word because they know that if accepted and embraced, it leads to the salvation of their souls.  The Word has all that the soul needs in order to be saved.  The written Word becomes the Living Word when it is embraced in the heart of man.  Wise is he who listens carefully to the message God implants in his heart.

Friday, August 28, 2020




James 1:19-20 My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Your anger can never make things right in God’s sight.  NLT

      If you are sincere about your faith, you will consider carefully these verses.  Applying these verses to life doesn’t come naturally.  We are prone to speak quickly and listen slowly.  James instructs us to do just the opposite.  It is a life lesson we must learn.

      Those who are good listeners have a humble spirit.  They understand they don’t know it all and are willing to learn more.  They are a people who are teachable.  They are a people who take a genuine interest in others and want to hear what they have to say.  They are a people who do not have to tell others what they know, or what they think they know.  They exercise self-control and speak out when it is beneficial to others.  They are slow to speak because they know that they don’t have all the answers and they don’t want to weary others with what little they may know or lead others astray by false teachings.

      Those who are good listeners and controlled speakers have a much better track record when it comes to angry outbursts.  Anger is reactionary.  It crops us when we feel others must hear what we have to say and they aren’t listening.  It is self-centered.  It flows from the desire to make others hear us.  Anger pushes people away instead of embraces them.  Only anger that is rooted in righteousness is acceptable to God. An angry heart is a heart out of sorts with God.

      When you are the instigator of anger, it is never right in God’s eyes.  The only anger that is right before God is anger against sin and injustice.  We should be angry at those things which bring dishonor to our Lord.  We should speak out emotionally against all that is unholy.  But, when we do, it should be a controlled anger, not a reactionary anger.  A controlled anger is expressed in a constructive and not a destructive way.

      Apart from a holy anger, it is best to put into practice being quick to listen and slow to speak.  We will certainly be much more successful living in peace with both God and man.

Thursday, August 27, 2020




James 1:18  In his goodness he chose to make us his own children by giving us his true word.  And we, out of all creation, became his choice possession.  NLT

      God in His goodness chose us to be His children.  He chose us long before we chose Him.  He worked in our lives in such a way that we opened up our hearts to Him.  No matter what it took to bring us to the point of repentance, He did it because He is good and He loves us. 

      He is working in the same way in the lives of many who are not now saved.  We don't know who they are or what needs to be done yet in them for them to be saved, but God does.  He is giving everyone ample reason to turn from sin and turn to Him for salvation.

      God in His goodness has given us His Word to help us be saved and to help keep us saved.  His Word is God's truth revealed.  It teaches us who we are, why we need Christ in our lives, what happens when we don't, and what happens when we do.  It teaches us all about God's demand for holy living and how to do it.  It teaches us about God's character and the future home He is preparing for us in heaven.  Without God's Word, we simply would not make it.

      God's children are His choice possession.  We are the shining glory of His creation.  We are loved by God and He pours out His blessings upon us daily.  God is always working out His goodness in our lives and making us more like Christ all the time so that we will be fit for heaven.  God has made us uniquely different and wonderful from everything else He has created.  We are created in His own image and He calls us His children.  We are the only created being who can know Him and have fellowship with Him.  To God be the glory, both now and forever.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020




James 1:13-15 And remember, no one who wants to do wrong should ever say, "God is tempting me."  God is never tempted to do wrong, and He never tempts anyone either. Temptation comes from the lure of our own evil desires. These evil desires lead us to evil actions, and evil actions lead to death.  NLT

       If you are tempted to sin, it's Satan leading you there. If you fall into sin, it's because you listened to him. You have no one but yourself to blame for sinful behavior and thoughts. You alone make the choice to sin. You sin because you want to, not because you have to. We can't sugarcoat this.

      God is holy love. He loves us and desires nothing but holiness for us. Why? Because He knows that only a holy heart can satisfy and make us happy. He knows the guilt and shame that comes from sinning will make us miserable and rob us of peace. He knows that sin does nothing but eats away and destroys the soul. He knows the agonizing pain that sin brings upon the soul of man. He knows the full fury of hell's wrath. And because He loves us so deeply, He wants to spare us from it all.

       It is impossible for God to sin or lead any of His children into sin. It is impossible for God to not love us and do everything He can to keep us out of sin. It is impossible for us to avoid the responsibility and consequences of our sin. It's our own fault when we fall and we must do our best to guard our souls so that we don't. Christ can protect us and keep us from falling into temptation, but we must be totally surrendered and committed to Him in order for it to happen.

      May the Lord help us today to be aware of sin when it rears its ugly head. May we resist the temptations to sin as we stay near to the heart of God.   May we strive to always do the right thing and resist the temptations to sin we face every day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020




James 1:12 God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.  NLT

      Is your faith being tested? Are you up against life's difficulties and you wonder if it will ever end, or why you have to do it? Do you want to blame God or others for what you are facing in life? Do you feel like you deserve a better life than you now have?

       James reminds us earlier in this chapter that life's tests are not a bad thing. It is in the tough times of life that we develop toughness. Anyone can have faith when things are good, but those who have true faith are able to endure in faith during the hard times of life. It is in those hard times that we grow up and develop godly character.

       God blesses all who don't lose their grip on faith when the going gets tough. When we patiently endure our times of testing, we discover in a deeper way God's faithfulness and ability to take care of us in the worst times of life. There is no greater blessing in life than to experience God's trustworthiness to be there for us and with us when we cannot help ourselves. God never leaves us stranded in the storms of life. He is always there to help us find our way to safety. He is there to show us our way to solid ground.

      No matter what life may throw at you, wait patiently on the Lord. Let Him take your hand and lead you. Let Him give you what you need to make your way through. He is the only dependable help we have. He is our anchor in the storms of life. How do we know our anchor will hold? We develop a strong relationship with Him when things are calmer so that we won't doubt in the dark what we know to be true in the light.

      What are you doing today to develop a strong relationship with the Lord?

Monday, August 24, 2020




James 1:5 If you need wisdom---if you want to know what God wants you to do---ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking.  NLT

      Wisdom is the right application of knowledge wrapped up in the fear of God. It is having a proper respect and reverence for God as we live out our lives. Wisdom is an absolute essential to living a godly life. We cannot live in victory over sin without it. The Lord repeats the theme over and over again in His Word. He admonishes us to seek it and get it. He goes out of His way to help us obtain it. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to develop wisdom in our hearts and minds. All we have to do is to surrender to His working in us. We have to work with Him and not against Him. We have to want what He wants to give us. We have to take advantage of the resources He provides for us to get it---the Word, prayer, teachings, preaching, fellowship, life experiences, etc. Wisdom can be developed through a wide variety of ways.

       God wants us to know what He wants us to do. He really does. All you have to do is ask Him, and He will gladly tell you. Our problem is, we seldom ask. We assume we know and plow ahead without taking the time to know for sure. We ignore our need to know and go on through life hoping it's okay. We don't want to know because we are afraid that the Lord may want to change the direction of our lives. We don't ask because we don't want the added responsibility of doing something with the knowledge He gives us.

       What we fail to grasp is that the Lord wants us to have wisdom and know what He wants to do in our lives, because He loves us and knows that we will never experience the best of what He wants to give us until we obtain it. Being able to apply to life what we know to be true from God is the key to abundant and joyful living. Wisdom unlocks the key to heaven's treasure chest of blessings.

       Ask the Lord for wisdom. And when you get it, you will never be satisfied with anything less.           

Sunday, August 23, 2020




James 1:5 If you need wisdom--if you want to know what God wants you to do--ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking.  NLT

      When I think of wisdom, I think of King Solomon.  He inherited his kingship over Israel from his father David.  Solomon was blessed by God with the opportunity to ask for anything he wanted with the promise it would be given him.  Solomon understood his limitations and knew he was not wise enough to rule his people so he asked God for wisdom to rule his people in a way that pleased God.  God was pleased with Solomon’s request and gave him wisdom unlike any other human has ever had.  Not only that, but because Solomon’s heart was at that point in his life right with God, he was blessed with wealth and fame beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.

      God does not withhold wisdom from His children who sincerely seek it.  He doesn’t mete out the wisdom of Solomon, but He does give His children the ability to discern what He wants them to do and the understanding of how to do it.  The Lord does not want us to wander around in the dark; He wants us to fulfill the role He has ordained for us to fill.  He gladly shows us what to do when we ask Him to do it.

       If we have no clear sense of purpose for why we are here, we will never find fulfillment in our lives.  There is no joy in Christ if there is no sense of our worth in the Kingdom of God.  Each of us is created in Christ for good works and wise is he who asks the Lord for wisdom to know the work he is to do.

     Wisdom is granted to those who are humble in heart.  A proud soul is incapable of exercising wisdom.  The humble heart understands that Jesus is the focus of all we do.  He is the one who deserves honor and glory.  He is the one who gives understanding.  He is the one who gives direction and opportunity to use the gifts we are given.  A humble soul is a hungry soul.  He understands that he must continue to seek the Lord and learn from Him.  He knows the importance of feasting on the riches of the Word.  He knows the joy of waiting before the Lord.

      God grants wisdom to all who seek Him with a pure heart.  Ask Him for it and He will gladly give it to you.  Wisdom is the natural fruit of those who learn to love the Lord with all their heart, mind, and soul.

       Wisdom does not come naturally to most.  It is something that is gleaned from living life and learning from life’s mistakes.  It comes to those who have a desire and willingness to learn.  It characterizes those who know they don’t know it all.  Wisdom is a never-ending process of God giving us what we need when and as we need it for life and applying it properly to living.

        Simply put, wisdom is seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in all we do.

Saturday, August 22, 2020




James 1:4 So, let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.  NLT

      James here is talking about the testing of faith through the troubles of life. He challenges us to accept with gratitude the trials and troubles of life, for they help make us strong spiritually. We will never learn to lean on Christ and trust Him completely until we walk with Him through life's tough times. Anyone can have faith when things are easy. It's another thing to still have faith in the midst of trying times.

       Endurance is the ability to live by faith for as long as we live. It is trusting in Christ regardless of what life may throw at us. Endurance is not a stagnant faith, it is a growing faith. Endurance comes from keeping our eyes focused on Christ and not circumstances. It is constantly abiding in Christ and never letting go when life isn't easy. Endurance comes from never coasting in faith. It is working out our salvation by seeking the Lord daily and applying to life His Word. It is an active faith in Christ that never takes a vacation.

      Endurance is what makes us. We mature in faith and become the person God desires us to be as we endure. The more we live in faith, the stronger in character we become. We are able to face anything with boldness and confidence through a faith that weathers the storms of life. You will never make it to the end if you buckle underneath life's difficulties and give up. Cling tightly onto Christ in all things, and you will be able to face all things and come through them victoriously. We are in a marathon and not a sprint. Endure in faith and great will be your reward in heaven.

Friday, August 21, 2020




James 1:2-4 Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.  NLT

      We have two choices when troubles come.  We can embrace them and learn from them or we can complain about them and feel sorry for ourselves.  We don’t like troublesome times, but if we see them as opportunities to learn and grow, they can bring joy to the soul.

       We must learn this very valuable lesson in life.  Faith grows best under adversity.  When we are forced to live by faith and not sight, we learn how to depend on Christ and not ourselves.  Until we get to the point where we have to admit our helplessness, we will never grow in faith.   A needy faith is a growing faith.  Unless we need the Lord, we won’t discover the love and ability of Christ to make our lives better.  When we get to the point where we can admit our need for Christ, we begin to flourish in grace.

     We need troublesome times so that we can gain spiritual strength and endurance.  We need to get to the point where we are steadfast in Christ regardless of life’s circumstances.  We need to be able to be ready for whatever comes our way. 

     We stifle the growth of our faith when we avoid life’s troublesome times.  If we were to expend as much energy on dealing with our difficulties as we do avoiding them, we would be life conquerors.  We would be able to stand tall and firm and meet our troubles head-on.  We would learn more about the faithfulness, steadfastness, and power of Christ to help us. 

      Don’t avoid troublesome times.  Instead, let the Spirit of Christ work in you through them so that you can grow in faith and become better equipped to deal with life without wavering.

Thursday, August 20, 2020




Heb. 13:20-21a And now, may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, all that is pleasing to him.  NLT

      This is a prayer that every believer should pray for both themselves and others.  It should be the desire of all of our hearts to live lives that please God and bring us peace.  An absence of peace means that things aren’t right first of all with Christ and then, our fellow man.

      There is resurrection power in God.  He who raised Jesus from the dead is able to raise the vilest of sinners from the dead.  He is not limited by our sinfulness.  He can and will give life to all who come to Him for the forgiveness of their sins.

      There is ample power through Christ to equip us with all we need to do His will.  We don’t have what it takes to fulfill God’s will for us without Christ.  Without Christ, we are controlled by our sinful nature.  We lack the willpower to want to obey God.  Only in Christ do we care to find and do His will for our lives.  When we take our eyes off of Christ, we easily get distracted and lose our passion for living out His will for us. 

     What is God’s will for us?  The bottom line is, God wants us to honor and glorify Him in all we do.  He is pleased when we live righteously before Him.  He is pleased when we filter all of our living and thinking through Christ.  He is pleased when we make Christ the focal point of all of our living.  It is His will that we be a holy people before Him. 

      There is only one way in which we can truly please God, and that is through the power of Christ working in us.  It is only as Christ works in us to transform us into a godly people that we become a people pleasing to God.  We are not capable of getting it right without Christ’s help.  He alone can change the heart so that our motives are pure.  He alone can make us holy. 

      It is my prayer that I will always let Christ work His wondrous work in me to make me holy.  And it is my prayer for you today as well.  May the Lord help each of us to produce all that is pleasing and acceptable to God according to His will for us.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020




Heb. 13:18 Pray for us, for our conscience is clear and we want to live honorably in everything we do.  NLT

      This should be the desire of every believer's heart, to be prayed for so that he can live honorably in everything he does. Let's face it, we need prayer. No one can live successfully in Christ without prayer. We need to pray for ourselves and we need the prayers of the body of Christ. The more prayer support we have, the more successful we will be. It baffles me how we think we can live in Christ without it. We don't pray often enough for ourselves or others. Prayer is considered an optional part of our spiritual lives. We fail to grasp the importance of prayer.

     Who does most of the praying? Those who don't know Christ as their personal Savior. Think about it, the Muslims pray, the Buddhists pray, those caught up in cults pray, Hindus pray, just about everybody who believes in some kind of a god prays. Yet, we who claim to know God, fail to pray. Isn't it ironic? I wonder what the Lord thinks of us.

      Who do we let do most of our praying for us? Is it not our pastors, spiritual leaders, and friends? We somehow have gotten the idea that if we join in on the prayers offered during church services that it is enough to satisfy our needs. However, we can never learn how to pray for ourselves except by doing it for ourselves. We will never let God know we care about Him unless we actually pray.

      When we pray, we are talking things over with God. It is an act of worship and it shows respect for God. It is showing God we are grateful for the privilege of approaching Him. Prayer is our connecting point with God. So, why aren't we praying? Don't we have a sense of our need to be in the presence of God? I suspect that one of the reasons why we have a hard time really sensing God's presence in worship is that we are not connecting with God daily in our lives.

      The only way we are going to effectively live with clear consciences is to stay in touch with our Father. I need your prayers and you need mine.

"Lord, I ask that all who read this devotional today will have a pure heart before you. I ask, Lord, that you will speak to their hearts right now about any sinful thoughts or deeds they may have. Lord, purify them so that they will know the peace of a pure heart. Forgive them of their sins so that they can face today with a clear conscience. Lord, help each one to live a life of honor before you today in all they do. And, Lord, teach each one how to pray themselves.  It is prayer that moves You and opens up doors for us.  It is prayer that connects us with Your heart.

     May others see Jesus clearly in and through each one. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.”

Tuesday, August 18, 2020




Heb. 13:17 Obey your spiritual leaders and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they know they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this joyfully and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit. NLT

        First of all, be wise and discerning in whom you follow and obey. There are many false teachers and leaders out there. Make sure you are following godly men. There are some who would lead who don't consider themselves as being accountable to God.   

       Ask yourself some very appropriate questions. Do their lives back up what they profess? Are they pursuing God or the things of the world? Are they promoting themselves or the Lord? What are they doing with their resources that prove their godliness is the real deal?

      We live in a time in which it is so easy to be deceived. There are those who know how to come across well, and we must be discerning. If you can't be sure that someone is for real, then withhold your allegiance to them.

      Obey those you know are genuine. Follow their example into godliness. Understand what makes them who they are in Christ. Do not disrespect them or make life rough for them. God has raised them up to help you. Their task is to watch over your soul. God holds them accountable for the care they give to you and the compassion they show.

      God brings godly people into our lives to blaze the trail for us. Learn to appreciate what they do and thank the Lord for them. Encourage them often for Satan is in the business of discouraging them so they will feel defeated. Speak well of them often before man. Show your appreciation for their godly leadership.

      There is joy in serving the Lord, but so often we don't give our leaders reasons to be joyful. We load them down with so much of our baggage and unrealistic expectations that they don't have the opportunity to relax and enjoy what the Lord has given them to do.  As a result, they simply burn out and leave the ministry God has called them to do behind.  Or, their health or marriages suffer and go to pot.  Or, they get so weary that they don’t care anymore; they lose the spark that once drove them as they led others.

      Your spiritual leaders must be given consistent time for personal renewal. They must be encouraged and know they are appreciated. They must be lifted up in prayer. They must be trusted with personal problems that come up.  They must be defended by those who follow them.  They must see their ministry producing spiritual fruit.

      The closer you walk to the Lord, the more joy you bring to the heart of those who lead you.

Monday, August 17, 2020




Heb. 13:15-16 With Jesus' help, let us continually offer our sacrifice of praise to God by proclaiming the glory of his name. Don't forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God.  NLT

      We cannot bring glory to God without Jesus. We need our Lord's righteousness and holiness in order for us to want to honor God rather than ourselves. We need Jesus in order for us to be able to praise God in all things. We need Jesus in order for us to look beyond our present circumstances and know that God is good. We need Jesus to move us into action.

      What we have can be any number of things, but the greatest gift that you can give is yourself. We tend to measure our giving by material things, but they pale in comparison to ourselves. Your time, loving concern, prayerful support, listening ear, and helping hand are far more valuable than anything money can do or buy.

      Notice that praise is connected here with sacrifice. A sacrifice is something you give that costs you something; it often brings pain or discomfort. We are to go out of our way without thought of personal comfort to tell or show others the glory of Christ. He who acts only within the boundaries of comfort is not offering to the Lord any sacrifice at all, and will not please God.

      When you invest yourself in others, you are pleasing God. Take the time today to give someone your time and attention. You will be glad you did.

Sunday, August 16, 2020




Heb. 13:14  For this world is not our home; we are looking forward to our city in heaven, which is yet to come.  NLT

      I am so grateful today that this world is not my home.  I look around me and it is not the kind of place I want to spend eternity in.  It is getting more blatantly evil all the time.  There is no regard for life throughout the world.  People do not respect one another and treat one another with cruelty.  It is a very self-driven world.  It is essentially the survival of the fittest and those who aren't fit are squashed by those who are stronger. 

      God promises us an eternal home that is free from all traces of sin.  Sin will not even be a concept in heaven.  It will be a place where the glory of God will fill every space.  It will be a place where pure love for one another will be the only way we will act.  Everyone will be on equal footing; there will be no favoritism there.  It will be a place of such beauty that there are not words to even describe it.  The Lord is there right now preparing a place for us in it. 

       Jesus told us to not let our hearts be troubled by the things of this life.  Live in fellowship with the Lord, striving to be holy in all you do, and you will be home someday.  We may not be spared the troubles of this life, but it will be worth it all when we get to heaven to be with our Lord. 

      Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and you will make it.  Don't let the world draw you away from Him.  Don't let yourself be attached to what is here.  This world is not our home!

Saturday, August 15, 2020




Heb. 13:8,9 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So do not be attracted by strange, new ideas. Your spiritual strength comes from God's special favor, not from ceremonial rules about food, which don't help those who follow them.  NLT

      We know verse 8 well, but often don't think about verse 9. We need to think about it for a few moments. Are you easily distracted by the things you hear? Do you listen to people just because they come across as knowing what they are talking about, or they are flashy, or popular? How many voices are you listening to? And, how do you handle it when you hear conflicting things? Are you able to discern the truth from false teachings?

      One thing is for sure, the truth found in Christ never changes. When you are seeking truth from God and His Word, you will not be confused or led astray. The truth of the Gospel is the same as it always has been and ever will be. We must base our understanding on what God says, and not what man says. Always check out the Word before you buy into someone's teachings.

      And, in order for you to really know what God is saying, you must invest time to study the Word and pray over it. The Word of God never contradicts itself. All truth is backed up by truth. When you ask the Lord for understanding from a pure heart, you will get it. God wants you to know what you need to know and He will reveal it to you.

     When you come across things that you simply can't figure out in God's Word, don't get bogged down by them. Accept them as truth because God said it and move on by faith. No one has a perfect understanding of all things except God. His thoughts are beyond understanding except in those things He chooses to give us understanding on. We don't have to know all things in order for us to know they are true.

      Don't get bogged down on a bunch of rules that seemingly make you acceptable to God. We cannot make ourselves holy. Our godliness and spiritual strength come from our relationship with God alone. When we are properly connected to Christ, we will do what God wants us to do. It will be a natural way of life for us. It will be a life built on love, not rules.

       It is by God’s special favor that we are strengthened, not our efforts to make ourselves strong.  God gives us His unchanging Word so that we won’t be led astray, become wishy-washy, or become independent from Him.

       Stay focused on what God has provided for you.  He has blessed His children with sufficient spiritual food to sustain all generations.  Don’t add to it or take anything away from it and you will find adequate food for your soul to live by and become spiritually strong.

Friday, August 14, 2020




Heb. 13:7 Remember your leaders who first taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and trust the Lord as they do.  NLT

     Take a couple of minutes and think about those who played a significant role in your spiritual development. It may be a Sunday School teacher, pastor, friend, or family member. Think about the things in their lives that stand out to you as being good. What is there about what they taught you about God that stuck with you? What is there about them that makes you want to be like them?

      As you think about those special people in your life, thank the Lord for their role in your life. It isn't an accident that they were a part of who you are today in Christ. The Lord brought them into your life when you needed what they could offer you to help you better understand the things of God.

      As you think about them, consider your own life and the impact you are having on others. Ask the Lord to help you to do your part in the good in others' lives. Ask Him to help you be a good example that others can see and appreciate, a life worthy to be followed.

     Each of us plays a significant role in the life of others. Let us always strive to be good role models, a people that please the Lord in all things. Let it be said of us that we have been faithful servants of the Lord, both in public and in private. We may not ever know the good we have done, but God does. Live faithfully and obediently and let the Lord use you in His own way for His glory. Great will be your reward in heaven if you do.

Thursday, August 13, 2020




Heb. 13:5 Stay away from the love of money, be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, "I will never fail you. I will never forsake you." NLT

       We are not instructed to stay away from money. Money is neutral. It is neither good nor bad. It is the heart attitude of the person that makes it good or bad. Money can either be our servant or our master. Whenever we make money of greater importance to us than people or God, it has become our god and master. God alone has the right to be our god. He alone deserves and commands our worship and allegiance. He alone has the right to rule our lives. Rather than go after money and what it may provide, we must trust in the Lord's provision and be satisfied with it.

      Whatever the Lord provides, it is enough to meet our needs. If He gives more than what we need, we are to be good stewards of it and use it for His glory, not hoard it. When we hoard it, it is in essence saying to God, "I am not sure that you will be there for me tomorrow so I am going to save it and be sure I have enough."  While I have no problem with saving, and I do recommend it when we can, I believe we need to be willing to put what the Lord provides to good use today as well. We have no promise of life on earth beyond today. Our future may only be as long as today.

      We must be generous with what the Lord provides and trust Him for tomorrow's needs. He has promised to be with us in our tomorrows to take care of our needs. He is not going anywhere. He is not going to abandon us when we get there. He will make sure that we have enough tomorrow to take care of tomorrow's needs.

      So, don't fall in love with money or what it can provide. Rather love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul, and trust Him to supply all of your needs both today and tomorrow.