Friday, May 5, 2023




Ps. 3:1,2 O LORD, I have so many enemies, so many are against me, so many are sayng, “God will never rescue him!” NLT

We live in very troublesome times, yet it’s a very exciting time. The world is self-destructing right before our very eyes, but God. God has not lost control. His promise of Christ’s return is being fulfilled daily in our lives.

As we observe what is happening in our world today, we notice that believers are shrinking in population, popularity, and our position in the world. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the world is outgrowing the family of God. As the world’s population increases, so does those who do not know the Lord. Everyone is naturally born a sinner and few find their way into the Kingdom of God. As the population increases, so does those who are opposed to God. It comes as no surprise to us as the Lord told us it would be this way as His return drew near.

There was a time in which believers were at least shown respect in the world. As the world increasingly has grown alienated from God, evil has prospered. Those in the darkness do not like believers because we challenge them in their lifestyles. We expose sin for what it is and warn people that hell is real and they are going there if they don’t repent. Now, the world is trying to silence our voice. God has been kicked out of the public arena, and it has now gotten to the point where we are accused of all kinds of bias and hatred because we don’t condone what the world accepts as good and the norm. God told us it was going to happen before Jesus came.

Once, godly people were often seen in positions of power. Once, people respected believers because of their higher standards and values. Once, people wanted a godly influence to help balance the influence of evil around them. Not so much any more. People want to be surrounded by those who will tell them what they want to hear. They don’t care about the truth. They only care about what makes them feel good about themselves.

But, God is still in control. We must pray that the Lord will raise up godly difference-makers in our world today while Jesus still tarries. We must pray that the church will wake up and return to a holy standard in our world. We must pray that we can reach as many people as we possibly can before Jesus comes.

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