Thursday, August 8, 2019


Rom. 6:22  But now you are free from the power of sin and have become slaves of God.  Now you do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life.  NLT

      We say it, but do we really believe it?  Can you honestly say that you are free from the power of sin and that you are a slave of Christ?  I believe that if we really are free from the power of sin we would live more like Christ in His righteousness and holiness.  We would say no to sin more often.  We would be more contemplative before we say and do things that may hurt others or ourselves.  We would think more Biblically and be drawn to the things that would build us up instead of tear us down.  We would do a better job of getting along with one another.

       Being a slave of God means that we are submissive to Him and obey Him.  It means that we are indebted to Him and depend on Him for our daily sustenance.  It means that we serve Him and put ourselves on the back burner.  It means that we seek His glory and not our own. 

      As His children, we should be doing those things that lead us to holy living.  It means that we daily take the time we need to feed and nourish our souls.  It means that we intentionally strive to focus on those things which are pure and wholesome for our souls.  It means that the pursuit of holiness governs our conversations and living.

     When we act like we are children of God, it results in eternal life with Him.  It is the most powerful way to live on earth.  It is the way of contentment and peace.  It holds us steady through the many ups and downs of life.

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