Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Rom. 6:11 So you should consider yourselves dead to sin and able to live for the glory of God through Christ Jesus.  NLT

      The first step to living a victorious life in Christ is to consider ourselves dead to sin.  We must have an attitude that sin no longer is able to lord it over us.  We must take a positive outlook on our spiritual lives.  We must see ourselves as no longer powerless against sin.  We must know that we can say no to sin and walk away from it.  We must see ourselves as better than victims of sin.  We must develop a negative attitude about sin; it is our enemy, not our friend.

       The other essential step to victory is for us to see ourselves as able to live for the glory of God through Christ.  We must know that we can stand strong and true.  We can please God in the way we live.  We can overcome the sins that plague us.  We can live in such a way that both God and man know we are children of God.  We must know that in Christ we can resist any temptation.  We can be useful servants of Christ.

      Don’t let Satan deceive you into thinking that you are too weak, that you can’t live in victory.  He knows you can and he will do everything he can to keep you from believing it.  There is great victory and great things in store for all who overcome. 

       You can’t do it alone.  You need the help of the Holy Spirit to guide you into truth and empower you to do it.  You also need the support of other believers as you strive to overcome sin.  You are not alone in your struggles.  Many have already gone through what you are going through or are now going through it.  It’s no shame to admit you are weak and need help; the shame is to not admit it and try to go it alone and fail.

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