Saturday, August 31, 2019


.Rom. 12:3  As God's messenger, I give each of you this warning: Be honest in your estimate of yourselves, measuring your value by how much faith God has given you.  NLT
      When was the last time you took an honest look at yourself to see how your faith was doing?  I suspect it has been awhile.  We so often assume all is well with us and the Lord instead of knowing for sure whether it is or not.  We assume that because we are not doing bad things, saying bad things, or dwelling on bad things, that all is well.  We assume that because we get along with others and are responsible citizens that all is well.  We assume that because we go to church and occasionally read our Bibles and pray that all is well.  But, is it well with your soul?
       We can easily fall into the trap of going through the motions of faith and not be living in the faith.  We ought to be more like Christ than the world.  We ought not to be participating in evil things.  But, all of our goodness is nothing apart from Christ.  It is impossible to be right with God apart from a saving knowledge of Christ and a living knowledge of Him as Lord.
       When looking at yourself in the mirror of Christ's righteousness, forget about how good you think you are.  Forget about what others think of you.  Forget about a confession you may have mouthed in the past.  Look at Christ and see yourself in comparison to Him.  He alone can make us holy before God.  He alone determines the value of our faith.  If you are living submissively and obediently to Christ, then all is well with your soul.  If you are not, then you need to repent and get right with Him while you can.

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