Sunday, September 3, 2023




I Chron. 28:10 “So take this seriously. The LORD has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong, and do the work.” NLT

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I here?” More than likely, at some point you have wondered why you even exist. Why is my place in the grander scheme of life? Would anyone even notice if I weren’t here? Etc.

While our roles may vary, I believe one of the things we all are here for is to build others up and not tear them done. Col. 3:1-17 In this passage, the Apostle Paul deals with our personal and public lives.

There are things we are to put off. 3-11 In a nutshell, anything that hinders you from becoming all that you can be in Christ needs to go. Is there any baggage that you carry around that hinders you in your life in Christ? It needs to go.

There are things that we need to put on. 12-17 In a nutshell, anything that helps you to become who God wants you to be must be added on. We know what we should be doing daily to strengthen and grow our faith—spending time alone with God in the Word, prayer, service, and being a witness for Him. We need to examine what we aren’t doing and ask ourselves why we aren’t doing them.

In our public lives, are we building up others? Rom. 12:9-21; I John 3:17-24 Paul gives us some things we are not to do. We are not to set ourselves above others. We are called to be servants, not masters. Anyone who tries to control you is not from God. Jesus came to serve, and we are to be imitators of Him. Also, we are not to see others as objects to be used. We must treat others with respect, respect, respect. People are created by God and each one is loved by Him. Ps. 139

What are we to do? Act in love. Several years ago, a popular phrase was, “What would Jesus do?” It’s a valid question that we need to revisit often. How can we show love to others? Do we even try? Do we judge first and then act accordingly, or do we love first and then act accordingly?

We need to strive to add to another’s self-worth, not tear it down. Anything that tears others down instead of building them up is a no-no. And if you must tear someone down, you must build them up as well. Sometimes people need humbled, but be sure to help them become a better person when you do.

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