Wednesday, April 19, 2023




Matt. 27:46 About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabbachthani!” ---which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” NIV

From the dark recesses of Christ’s soul is heard the cry, “My God, my God...” We can never know how excruciating the pain was for Christ to bear for our sins. His physical pain was beyond description. His emotional pain was horrible as He had to bear our sins all alone. His spiritual pain was beyond anything we can ever know as He for the first and only time in all of eternity had to be alienated from God. “God, I am hurting. God, I need you!” Sometimes all we can do when we are overwhelmed by our pains is to cry out to God.

From the dark recesses of Christ’s soul is heard the cry, "Why?” Why do I feel all alone, forsaken? “Why?” Why do I feel like you have deserted me, in this hour of my greatest need? “Why?” Why do I feel so heavyhearted, so burdened? “Why?” Why have you forsaken ME, your Son of whom You have said you are well-pleased?

Perhaps you have felt forsaken, all alone. Perhaps you have felt like those who say they love you have forsaken you. Perhaps the load you carry seems like more than you can bear alone. Perhaps you have been overwhelmed by the darkness that surrounds your soul. Or perhaps, you are there now.

Jesus knows and understands. He has gone through it all. He did it for you so that you can find your way out. He overcame the darkness of the soul. He is the Light that penetrates the darkest of the forsaken soul. He is the way out. Let Him take your hand right now and lead you out, let the glory of His life shine on you. Put your trust in Him and He will give you peace, fill your heart full of His love, and give you hope for all of eternity.

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