Tuesday, April 25, 2023




Matt. 21:1-11

People say all sorts of things about Jesus. Some things people say are true, some are half-truths, and some are outright lies. The only reliable source for knowing what is true about Jesus is what the Bible declares. And in order to know what the Bible declares, one must read the whole Bible and study it to understand it. People distort what the Bible declares when only select passages are declared.

We notice in our text for today the proclamation of Jesus. 10 Jesus entered into Jerusalem. He did it with one purpose in mind, to become our sacrificial lamb. He had told the disciples upon several occasions that it was going to happen. For centuries God had made it clear through the prophets that the Messiah would come and die a cruel death for our sins. Isaiah 53 Before the world was ever created, God had drawn up salvation’s plan. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing and what was going to happen to Him in Jerusalem at the hands of the Jewish leaders.

Jesus entered into Jerusalem to destroy Satan’s power over us, and restore us to God. Every since the fall of Adam and Eve, Satan ruled the world and over the hearts of man. All throughout history, people constantly rebelled against God and fell into sin. No matter how many times God rescued His people, they would fall prey to Satan’s ways. Man was helpless to help himself to stop sinning, He needed a Savior.

We also see in our text the puzzlement of the masses. “Who is this?” they wanted to know. Even though Jesus had made it very clear who He was both verbally and through what He did, people still did not get it. Much like today, some refused to believe He was indeed God in the flesh, the promised Messiah. It is a question that must be asked and answered by everyone, “Who is Jesus?” How one answers the question impacts not only how they live their lives, but where they will spend eternity.

We also see the proclamation of His followers, “This is Jesus.” Can you say with absolute conviction that Jesus is the Son of God? Do you know it in your heart? Does the awareness that Jesus is the Son of God thrill your soul? Can you say that He is alive today seated at God’s right hand and is coming again? T

The world desperately needs people who are not afraid or ashamed to proclaim that Jesus is Savior and Lord of life. People need to hear about Jesus before it is too late for their souls. People need to know that there is yet hope for them and the world. People need to know that without Jesus in their hearts, they will die in their sins and spend eternity in hell. Shout it out so all can hear, “This is Jesus, the Son of God. The Savior of the world.”

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