Thursday, April 27, 2023




The Gospel writers recorded different things Jesus said at Calvary that we learn from today. May the Spirit challenge us as we consider them today.

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

Jesus asked God to forgive those who were driving nail into His hands and feet to put Him on the cross. Is there someone who has hurt you so badly that you just won’t forgive them? Instead of compassion for them, do you have bitter, even hatred towards them? Do you find yourself unable to even see them or think about them without negative feelings gripping your heart? Have your feelings about them affected your living? If so, I would challenge you to think about what Jesus did.

Jesus, though God in Spirit, was human in the flesh. He had been beaten to a pulp by the very ones who were nailing Him to the cross. His body was battered to the point where He was scarcely recognizable. A crown of thorns was on His head, jammed in tight causing His head to ooze blood. He was already in enormous pain and now the nails. If anyone had a just cause to hate, it was Jesus. But, He would not, He could not? Why? Because of His love for them. He was more concerned about their souls than He . was His pain.

Harboring unforgiveness can so embitter the soul that it can cause the body to suffer. Emotional pain is very real, but if we won’t let it go, it can ruin one’s ability to live life peacefully. It can keep us from enjoying the life we have. It robs us of fellowshp with God and others. It keeps us from hearing from God when we pray.

How can we possibly forgive someone who has treated us so badly? How can we forgive those who have hurt us, scarred us for life? On our own, we can’t. But, when we give our bitterness, hatred, and hurts over to the Lord, He can. In place of our negative feelings, He can give us hearts full of compassion for them. It doesn’t always come easily. We sometimes have to keep asking the Lord to give us forgiving hearts, but if we don’t give up and keep on asking, we will discover that our hearts do change. If we are willing to be changed, change will happen.

Freedom from bitterness and hatred begins and ends at Calvary. Fix your gaze upon Christ who died to set us free. May our Lord’s prayer be our prayer, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” If we won’t forgive others, the Lord won’t forgive us for our sins.

Father, please take away our feelings of bitterness and hatred. Please give us in their place a genuine forgiving heart. We know it won’t be easy to let these things go, but, Lord, you made it possible for us to do when you died on the cross for our sins. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

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