Sunday, July 26, 2020


Heb. 10:26 Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received a full knowledge of the truth, there is no other sacrifice that will cover these sins.  NLT
      I am not going to attempt to interpret this verse. As with any Scripture, it must be understood within the context of the rest of the Scriptures. I will let smarter people than me wrestle over it. What I want us to think about today is this: God takes seriously how we live. He never has and never will tolerate sin. He cannot for He is holy. There is not any part of His being that is not holy. He is absolutely perfect and sin can never be anywhere near Him. Sin is detested by God. It is what forced Him to allow Jesus to die a criminal's death on the cross.
      God will never allow us into His presence with sin in our lives. Jesus makes us presentable to God by forgiving our sins and making us holy. But if we spurn Jesus and reject His holiness by deliberately sinning, there is no hope for us, regardless of how far along we are in our walk with Him.
      We must deal with our sins by throwing ourselves at Jesus' feet and plead with Him for His mercy. We must not take sin lightly. There simply is no hope for us if we neglect our salvation and refuse to walk in holiness of life.
      Do you have any sin hanging around in your life that you have not let Jesus take care of? Don't let spiritual pride keep you from admitting and confessing sin. No one is immune from sin. We are not God and we do sin. Deal with it. Don't let it hang around and fester in your soul. The longer we let sin hang around, the more of a hold it has on us, and the more likely we are to sin against God. We need to be constantly vigilant over our souls and take our sin to Jesus whenever it rears its ugly head. Today is the day of salvation. Don't blow your opportunity to be forgiven.

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