Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Heb. 10:19 And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus.  NLT
      We have no right to approach God’s throne apart from Christ.  We have no merit to approach Him.  We have no access to God apart from Jesus.  God can tolerate only those who come to Him through Jesus.  Because Jesus is our Savior, we can boldly approach Him.
       As His children, we do not have to fear approaching God.  We need to fear Him, but not fear to approach Him.  We must never lose our respect and reverence for God when we approach Him.  He is holy God and holds the fate of our souls in His hands.
       As His children, we have the right to approach God.  We have an open invitation to approach Him.  Jesus shields us with His righteousness.  We can boldly bring anything we desire to Him.  We can be honest with Him about anything.  We can vent our emotions before Him.  We can share with Him everything on our hearts and minds.  We might as well, He knows all about what we are thinking and feeling anyways. 
      We can approach God boldly because He has promised that if we ask Him anything within His will we shall have what we ask for. 
      We can approach Him boldly because He already knows what we want and need before we even ask for it. 
      We can boldly approach Him because He encourages us to ask and not give up our asking.  He hears us and answers the prayers of the sincere, humble heart before Him.
      We can boldly approach God because we know that He loves us and wants to help us.  We know that He wants to take our burdens off our shoulders.  We know that He wants to shower us with His goodness and bless our ways.  We know that He wants to help us make our way home to Him.  We know He wants to redeem the soul of every man.  We know that He wants to pour love into our souls.  We know He wants to heal us and make us whole.  Knowing these things are true, let us therefore boldly enter into the presence of our God and dwell there until He calls us home.

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