Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Heb. 5:11  There is so much more we would like to say about this.  But you don't seem to listen, so it's hard to make you understand.  NLT
      Are you a good listener, or do you like to talk a lot?  Generally speaking, being a good listener takes work.  Most people would rather talk than listen, even if they don't know what they are talking about.  Most people want to be noticed and talking is one of the best ways to get attention. 
      However, we learn the most when we listen rather than talk.  While we are talking our minds are not thinking or meditating.  We aren't hearing much of anything of significance as long as we are talking.  But when we are listening, we are giving our minds an opportunity to work.  We absorb information and once learned, can find useful applications for it. 
      It is especially important for us to be good listeners when it comes to eternal truths.  We need to learn how to engage our minds when we hear God's Word.  We need to learn how to take what we hear and apply it to our living.  We never gain understanding by not listening.
      We need to learn to listen to God when He speaks to us and His messengers who speak to us.  We need to listen well enough to recognize the voice of God when He speaks to us. 
      The Lord makes it possible for us to understand what we hear, but we must be willing to be still and listen for Him to speak to us.  The fewer distractions we have, the better we will be able to hear.  And, the more we want to hear, the more likely we are to hear.
      God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.  Those who know how to listen will grow the best in Christ.

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