Sunday, June 24, 2018


Eccl. 7:13  Notice the way God does things, then fall into line. Don’t fight the ways of God, for who can straighten out what he has made crooked?  NLT

      There are a couple of things we can do to discover how God does things.  One thing we can do is to consistently spend time in the Word.  There is great value in reading the history of God’s dealings with man.  Don’t neglect the Old Testament record for we discover there much about God’s holiness, mercy and grace.  Before Jesus came God showed us through His dealings with man just how much we need a Savior. 

      In the New Testament we discover how much God loves us and how He solved our need for a Savior.  Jesus came, lived a sinless life, went to the cross and died for our sins.  In Christ, God showed us His love and holiness blended together into one.  We discover that we don’t have to be prisoners to our sins; Christ sets us free.

       There is much about God that we don’t know, but there is also much about Him we do know.  We need to take note of how He moves amongst men and then fall in line.  We discover quickly that when we get out of line, bad things happen.  We get out of sorts with ourselves and the world around us.  We become very weak and become easy prey to sinful temptations.  We become defensive and often fight against God as He tries to gain control over us.  We stumble around in the darkness and often cause ourselves much pain and suffering that could easily be avoided. 

       It is foolish to not follow the ways of the Lord.  It is self-defeating and self-destructive.  The only thing that is accomplished is making ourselves miserable.  If you have fallen out of step with the Lord, don’t take another step until you fall on bended knee before Him in repentance.  There is great joy and peace in living in the Way.  In Christ alone you will find what you are looking for and think you are finding on your own. 

      Notice how others are following the Lord.  Follow the example of those who are living in Christ.  If they can do it, you can too.  There is a great cloud of witnesses God has provided for you to watch.  Imitate their faith.  And, be careful how you live because there are those who are watching you too.

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