Monday, June 11, 2018


Eccl. 3:9-14 What do people really get for all their hard work? I have thought about this in connection with the various kinds of work God has given people to do. God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. So I concluded that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to enjoy themselves as long as they can. And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor; for these are gifts from God. NLT

      In other words, enjoy what you are doing in life. Not every job is enjoyable, but you can find a way to enjoy it. How? Learn first how to enjoy life. If you have a positive outlook on yourself and the life you live, whatever work you have to do will be far less painful and far more enjoyable. Do you enjoy this journey of life? Do you have a sense of your purpose for living? Do you have hope for your future?

       The ability to enjoy living is directly connected to your relationship with Christ. Jesus puts meaning to the bones of life. He not only impacts our future, he impacts our present. He gives us a reason to enjoy life, no matter the circumstances we are in. We find purpose and meaning in Him. He gives us something worthwhile to live for. He gives us hope. And knowing all that He has done, is doing now, and what He is yet going to do for us, enables us to enjoy the process of living. In Christ we know that we are better off than we have ever been and we shall be far better off than we are now.

       Enjoy your life. Enjoy all that the Lord gives you to do. Enjoy the fruits of your labors. Life is a gift from God and is meant to be enjoyed. Jesus came to give us life and not just life, but life more abundantly. The closer you live to Christ, the more enjoyable your life will be.

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