Sunday, October 23, 2016


II Peter 1:3 As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life. He has called us to receive his own glory and goodness!

The goal of every Christian’s life must be to know Jesus better than we do now. The soul of man will never contain all that Jesus is. We will never exhaust the knowledge we can have of Him. We must always keep our eyes fixed on Him and observe His workings in our lives and amongst man. The more we see and learn, the more we discover there is to see and learn. We stifle our growth when we think we have it all figured out.

The more we learn of Christ, the more we discover of His divine power. We will never be able to tap into all of His power, but what we do discover is that there is more than enough power in Him to enable us to live godly lives. There is no justifiable reason for a believer in Christ to not pursue godly living. There is no excuse for a faith that is not growing and maturing. There is no justification for a life that is not becoming more like Christ. There is no way that a believer in Christ cannot change his ways when he is living in Christ.

Christ has called us to receive his glory and goodness. His intent in saving us is to fill us with himself so that we may be His images on earth. He has so much to accomplish on earth before He returns for us and we are His chosen vessels to do it. We are His hands and feet. It is through us that the Lord will be seen and much good will be done.

The Lord wants us to be the best we can be in Him so that we can be the best witnesses we can be in the world. When we cheat ourselves of the best that Christ offers us, we cheat God of His glory. We are His image-bearers and if others cannot see Christ in His holiness in us, then we can’t really say we are saved. When we confess our sins to Him, He can then fill us with His glory and goodness for others to see.

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