Monday, December 10, 2012

What Christmas is not to me

The Christmas season means different thing to us.  I just want to share a few things that Christmas is not for me.


1.       It is not a time to pretend to be care about Jesus’ birth when you really don’t.

2.       It is not a time to party with people who are not your friends in order to make an impression on them.

3.       It is not a time to pretend to be happy and joyful, either you are or you’re not.

4.       It is not a time to proclaim to celebrate the birth of a Savior you don’t believe in or live for.

5.       It is not a time to persuade people to go into debt buying stuff they can’t afford for someone they love.

6.       It is not a time to ponder on the monetary value of gifts received instead of the love of the giver of the gift.

7.       It is not a time to pass on the opportunity to really get to know the Savior whose birth we celebrate.

8.       It is not a time to promote selfish interests over the interests of others.

9.       It is not a time to pretend that many people are suffering greatly over the Christmas season.

10.   It is not a time to pass on the opportunity you may have to reach out to someone in need.

11.   It is not a time to pass judgment on those who have no real reason to celebrate Christmas.

12.   It is not a time to ponder lightly the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth.

13.   It is not a time to pass on the opportunity to be reconciled with those you need to forgive or be forgiven by.

14.   It is not a time to proclaim peace on the earth when you have no peace in your heart.

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