Saturday, June 29, 2024




Rom. 2:18 Yes, you know what he wants; you know right from wrong because you have been taught his law. NLT

Very few people can honestly say that they have no clue as to what God wants from them. Most, if not all, people have a moral code they live by that originates in God. They know what they ought to do and what they ought not to do. Now, whether or not they do what they know is right or not is another story. Everyone makes choices of whether or not they will do what they believe to be right. God holds everyone accountable for their choices.

The more knowledge we have of God, the more responsible we are for abiding by His laws. Knowledge of God raises the bar of responsibility. No one can claim ignorance when it comes to living in obedience to righteousness. All righteousness flows from Calvary.

Jesus is our righteousness. He alone can make us acceptable to God. He alone can stand between God and man and bring us together. Jesus clearly has shown us what is right and wrong. Without His righteousness, no one will see God. Jesus is our shield from God's wrath. He makes it possible for us to be good enough to be in God's presence. But, in order for us to be found to be righteous before God, we must confess our sins to Jesus and forsake them. We must believe that He died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day and is now seated in heaven at God's right hand.

You know what God wants from you. He wants you to accept Christ as your Savior and live life in Him. It is what is right before God, and all who live in Christ will never go wrong. If you haven't turned to Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins yet, you are making a choice right now as to whether you will or not, and God holds you accountable for your choice.

The right thing to do is to take God and your relationship with Him seriously. He commands you to be holy before Him. Nothing else will do.

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