Thursday, June 20, 2024




Rom. 1:25 Instead of believing what they knew was true about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen. NLT

We choose what we believe in and live by. Even though God has made himself clearly known for all to see and believe in Him, most people ignore what they know to be true. They choose to believe the lies of Satan because then they don’t have to change. They would rather live without Christ than with Christ because they don’t believe Christ can really do anything for them. They believe that the offerings of the world are far better than anything the Lord can offer them. They choose to devote themselves to the things of the earth rather than the things of heaven.

When we choose to live without Christ, we rob ourselves of the joy of living. Any joy that sin may bring us is only for the moment. The need for enjoyment is never satisfied and one keeps chasing after the next thing that brings joy to life. There is never a deep and abiding peace that comes from knowing the satisfaction that Christ gives through the forgiveness of sin.

We make choices every day that affect the soul. We either protect our souls from the lies of Satan, or we choose to fall prey to them. We choose what we believe about God. No one is forced to believe in Him. He has given ample reason to everyone to believe in Him. No one has an excuse for rejecting the witness of God about himself and salvation.

No matter how much darkness may surround one’s life, the Light is there to be seen. God does not deny anyone access to the Light. If the heart is willing, the truth will be found. God has revealed himself as the Creator and Lord of all life.

Let us praise our Lord today for who He is and for making himself known to us that we might be saved.

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