Wednesday, August 16, 2023




Gal. 5:22 The fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience…..NLT

In James 5:7-11, James gives us an illustration from everyday life to drive home the need for patience. He uses the example of a farmer. I married a farmer’s daughter but grew up in the city so I have had to observe and learn what being a farmer is all about. And one of the must have character traits of a farmer is patience.

A farmer plants his crops by faith. He cannot control the elements of nature, but each year he goes out and prepares his soil for the planting season. He puts his seeds in the ground with no idea whether he will get a crop or not. He is an eternal optimist and diligently persistent. He does what he can do and then must wait. He can’t hurry up his crops, so he patiently waits for harvest season. (see II Tim. 4:1-6) He doesn’t even know if he will even see the crop he sowed reaped. I Cor. 3:1-9 He doesn’t even know if the crop he sows will be enough to cover the expenses of planting his seeds. Matt. 9:37.

James also says in verse ten that patience is seen in the life of the prophets. Heb. 11 gives us many examples of great men and women of the faith who patiently enduring life’s hardships because they lived in expectation of the eternal life we find in Christ.

Patience is found in the life of Job. Job did not understand his sufferings, but he did not denounce his faith in God. He patiently waited before God and sought answers that did not come.

Patience is something we must have as we deal with one another. It takes a lot of love, grace, and patience to deal positively with others. Matt. 18:21-22; I Cor. 13:4 It many times is very hard work, but it is what pleases God.

Patience is seen in how God deals with us. II Pet. 3:9,15 If God wasn’t so patient with us, none of us would make it to heaven. Jesus is patiently waiting for others to come to a saving knowledge of Him.

Patience is what enables marriages work. In fact, it is fundamental to all relationships. If you lack patience, ask the Lord to take greater control of your life and help you.

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