Monday, August 14, 2023




Gal. 5:22 The fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy,…… NLT

There is a difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is an emotional, positive elation in response to one’s circumstances. Joy is an enduring contentment and elation regardless of one’s circumstances. Happiness comes and goes; joy is constant. Happiness is rooted in our emotions; joy is rooted in our spiritual nature.

Joy is found in the heart of those who obey God. John 15:9-11 Joy naturally flows from obedience. We know that it pleases God when we obey Him. It honors God when we obey Him. It makes a difference for God when we obey Him. Our hearts are blessed knowing that we are right with God in soul and practice.

Joy is found in take to heart what Jesus says. It is knowing that what Jesus says is true and embracing it in our lives. It is believing our sins are forgiven and living like it. thaMatt. 9:2 It is believing that Jesus is in control and there is nothing to fear. Matt. 6:50 It is believing that Christ has not lost control of the world, but has overcome it. John 16:33 Joy is believing that Jesus has never, or ever will, leave or forsake us in this world. Matt. 28:20 It is believing that Jesus is the way, truth, and life, that He is the key to knowing God on a personal level. John 14:6 It is believing that Jesus is coming back for us just as He said He would. John 14:1-4 When we take to heart what Jesus said, there is a calm assurance that floods our soul that everything is okay.

Joy is having a calm assurance that we are in Christ and Christ is in us. It is observing and participating in what Christ has done and is doing in our lives. It is living in the forgiveness He gives to us. Our pa ost sins are washed away in His precious, shed blood on Calvary. We don’t live like the unforgiven. We live like children of God who are now in Christ righteous and holy before God. I Cor. 1:30 Oh, what joy floods the soul of the redeemed!

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