Sunday, May 1, 2022



Ps. 139:2 You know when I sit down and stand up. You know my every thought when far away. NLT

Now, knowing what God knows about us can either be a comfort for us or cause us great concern. If we are living rightly with the Lord, it is comforting news. If, however, we are not living a godly life, it can really be a problem for us.

Because He is all-knowing, there is nothing that escapes His notice. How can God know where every one of His children is at all times is beyond comprehension, but He does. He never has to send out a search party to find us. He knows our comings and goings, when we sit down and when we stand up. We will never get lost in the crowd. We will never be forgotten. We will never be a nobody because God always has His eyes on us.

But, there is more. God knows our every thought. Wait a minute. God knows our every thought? Yes, He does. What do you think about? Do you ever think about things that are unholy? Do you ever think about some people in a negative way? Do you have doubts about your faith at times? Do not ever doubt God? God knows your every thought.

What do we do with this, knowing we can't think about anything without God knowing about it? We need to discipline our minds by being careful what we put into them. We don't let unholy thoughts linger. We redirect our thoughts to wholesome things when our minds begin to dwell on that which is unholy. We take control of what we entertain ourselves with. We feed our souls with wholesome and godly things. We ask the Lord to help us be masters of our thought life. Will we perfectly keep our thoughts where they need to be? No. But, when we stray we can turn to the Lord, ask for forgiveness, and with His help try again.

We cannot stop everything that comes into our minds, but we can choose whether or not we will let it stay there for us to dwell on. Remember, the mind is the gateway to the soul.

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