Sunday, May 8, 2022



Ps. 139:15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. NLT

God designed you. He carefully put you together. He watched carefully as each detail came together. He, in His infinite knowledge and understanding, allowed you to be made just the way you are. If you don't measure up to others' expectations of the way you should look, don't pay any attention to them. God made you and He declares you to be very good.

God made you when there was no one else around. He made you in the darkness of your mother's womb. He brought together what you needed from your father's sperm and combined it with what you needed from your mother's egg and made you. It doesn't matter the circumstances surrounding your conception. God put you together for a much higher purpose than just your existence. He made you to have fellowship with Him and serve Him in ways no one else can.

Not all who are born are born whole or put together like we might want or expect them to be. Some are born with the inability to live what we perceive to be “normal” lives. Are they flawed, a mistake, a “freak of nature”? Absolutely not. They are precious lives made by God and it is good. He knows the worth of each soul. He knows the purpose for each life. He loves each one just as much as He does you and me. He entrusts them to those who will provide for them the love and care they need for their lives. No life is an accident.

If you don't look like others, think like others, feel like others, or act like others, it doesn't matter. Thank the Lord for you; you are special, the apple of God's eyes. God knows who you are and longs to pour out His love on you. He has plans for you that no one else can fulfill. He has His eyes on you and is calling you to His warm embrace. Oh, dear friend, let God have you, all of you. You will be so glad you did. You will find then, and only then, why God made you, you.

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