Thursday, April 14, 2022



Ps. 103:3a He forgives all my sins….. NLT

When the Lord in His mercy and grace saves us, there is not one sin left unforgiven. Not one! No matter how big or how small, no matter how old or new, no matter how many or few, no matter if they are hidden or known to all, He forgives them all. Dear friend, no matter what you may have done, there is no sin the Lord is not willing or able to forgive. There is no sin beyond the ability of Christ to forgive. There is no one so bad that He can't forgive. There is no one who does not need to be forgiven.

Don’t overlook the fact that the Lord forgives ALL our sins. When we let Jesus become our Savior, there is not one sin, no matter how big or little it may be, untouched. He is able to do it, and He does. We can't remember many of our sins, but He knows them all. He knows the sins that we do that we don’t know about. By definition, sin is anything that falls short of God’s perfect holiness. We are guilty of an enormous amount of sin, no matter how “good” we, or others, may think we are.

It is too much grace to comprehend. Jesus forgives each and every sin of our hearts! His forgiveness is absolute and unchangeable. Once we are forgiven, God no longer sees our sins. They are covered by the righteousness and holiness of Christ. God will never look beyond Christ to see our sinful hearts.

It does not then give us a license to sin. When we sin, we are showing disrespect towards Christ. We are treating His death on the cross as if it didn’t really matter. We are minimizing the price Jesus paid for our forgiveness. It is why we must always fall on our knees before Him in repentance when we know we sin. He is faithful and just and will forgive us. But when we fail to repent, there will always be a barrier between Him and us that will rob us of the joy of His fellowship.

In order to know you are forgiven there are some essential things you must do. First, you must not hold back from the Lord anything you may have said or done, you must confess them to the Lord. He knows all about your sins anyhow so what is the point of trying to hide them? You must then trust that what He says He will do. He promises to forgive you. Next, you must forgive yourself and when necessary, ask those you have wronged to forgive you. God forgives you, so who are you to not forgive yourself? Then, you must strive to change your behavior and way of thinking. True repentance involves sorrow and a desire to change. Also, you must be willing to rectify the wrongs you have done if the Lord prods you to do so. Finally, you must develop a heart of gratitude to Him who forgives you.

Why would you hold anything back if the Lord promises to forgive you of all your sins? Why would you want to carry around with you the guilt and shame of your sin? Why would you deprive yourself of the peace and joy that comes from forgiven sin? Give them all, give them all to Jesus and He will make your soul whiter than snow.

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