Friday, June 19, 2020


Titus 2:14  He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing what is right.  NLT
       Jesus gave His life.  No one took it away from Him.  No one could have done anything to Him without His permission.  No one could have put Him on the cross or take Him down without His permission.  Jesus died for our sins willfully.  He surrendered himself fully to God’s will when He went to the cross.
      Jesus died for our sins to free us from every kind of sin.  There is no sin excluded.  Every sin conceived by man or Satan himself is included.  He died, taking every sin upon himself, and cleaned up every heart given over to Him. 
      Jesus died to make us His very own people.  We are no longer His enemies, we are adopted into His family and become His children.  We now, in Christ, have a living, everyday relationship with God himself.
       As God’s children, we are to be totally committed to Him.  And, this is where most people stumble.  Most who profess to be children of God are not totally committed to Him.  Most are content to live life their own way instead of God’s way.  He is not allowed to make a real difference in their lives.
       There are going to be a multitude of people who think they are fine with God who will find out how wrong they are on Judgment Day.  God commands us to be holy, a people like Him, a people after His own heart. 
       There is no such thing as forsaking some sins and hanging onto others.  Sin is an abomination to God.  Jesus died to take away all our sins and if we don’t let Him, He cannot be our Savior or Lord.
       If you are not fully committed to the Lord today, it’s not too late to open up your heart and let Him take control of you.  Do it now before it’s too late.

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