Sunday, June 21, 2020


     God is portrayed in the Scriptures as our Father in heaven.  He is the perfect example of what a father should be like.  In instructing His disciples on how to pray, Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 6:9 to address God as, Our Father in heaven.
        There are many things we can say about God’s love for us, but one thing we must know is that God loves us without regard for who we are.  Everyone needs to know that God loves them.  Everyone needs to know they are loved by others.  It is a basic human need we have, to love and be loved, and God’s love embraces all who come to Him for the forgiveness of their sins.
        God loves us without regard for our goodness.  No one is good enough to deserve to be saved.  Yet, God loves us anyhow and offers us the free gift of His forgiveness.   Also, God loves us without regard for our faithfulness to Him.  He will never stop loving us, even when we don’t return His love.  He is not willing that anyone should enter into eternity without Him and will pursue a relationship with us until there is absolutely no hope left for us to be saved.
       God is good all the time.  His goodness is always on display, no matter what the circumstances may be. The works of God are good. The gifts of God are good.  The attributes of God are good.  The character of God is good. The plans of God are good, both for this life and all of eternity.  Knowing that God is always good is essential for a proper understanding of God.
      We see God’s amazing grace on display all the time.  God’s grace is seen in His gift of salvation.  God offers freely to all who want it His forgiveness and life in Christ.  No one can experience this wondrous life apart from confessing our sins, asking Him for forgiveness, and accepting what Jesus did on the cross to obtain it for us.
      God’s grace is seen in His gift of the Holy Spirit.  We scarcely acknowledge what the Spirit of God does in us and for us, but without Him will never make it to heaven. God’s grace is seen in His gift of abundant living.  We scarcely scratch the surface of all that God wants to give us through Christ.  God’s grace is seen in His gift of eternal life.  Life in Christ is the greatest gift that God has ever given to man and it’s free for us.  Jesus paid the price that had to paid and that only He could pay for us to be saved.  “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.”
      No matter what kind of father you have had on earth, be assured our Heavenly Father is a perfect fit for what we need in this life.  The longing of His heart is for you.  He wants to pour out His love upon you.  Is God your Father today?

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