Friday, June 28, 2019


Acts 4:32 All the believers were of one heart and mind, and they felt that what they owned was not their own, they shared everything they had.  NLT

      One of the greatest problems in the Church today is that we are so divided and fragmented.  We are weak because we are not united in Christ.  There are so many different kinds of church bodies to choose from, each with their own agenda.  We isolate ourselves from one another because we think and worship differently.  We are suspicious of those who are not like us.  We become jealous of each other and often compete for the souls of man.  We sometimes get critical and nasty towards those we disagree with.  We have lost any sense of oneness.

      The early Church was not like what we have become.  They were of one heart and mind.  They sincerely cared for each other and sought their common good.  They were a people who understood that their very existence was centered in Christ alone.  They understood that they existed to honor and serve Him.  They were a focused people and did not let their differences divide them. 

      While it is humanly impossible for the Church to overcome all of our differences and become one once again, we can do a much better job of it.  Let us strive to rally ourselves around the foot of the cross.  Let us strive to make and keep Jesus the main reason why we exist.  Let us seek to the best of our ability to get along and cooperate with those whom we may disagree with on minor points of faith. 

      The world is frantically running straight to hell and we seemly are not concerned enough to stop our internal bickering to work together for Jesus’ sake to reach as many of the lost as we can for Him.  Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

       We are not one Church, and we won’t be until Jesus comes to take us home.  But that doesn’t excuse us from trying to get along and work together for the glory and honor of Christ and the salvation of souls.

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