Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Luke 6:45 “A good person produces good deeds from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil deeds from an evil heart. Whatever is in your heart determines what you say.”  NLT

       Not a lot needs to be said about this verse.  The Lord made it very plain and easy to understand.  We are the product of what is in our hearts.  Our living does not lie.  We do what our hearts compel us to do.  If we are living godly lives it is because God lives in us and is controlling us.  If we are living in sin it’s because God is not in us and Satan is controlling us. 

      What is in our hearts determines what comes out of our mouths.  I cannot stress this important truth enough.  Listen to what comes out of your mouth.  If you speak harshly to people, negatively about all that goes on around you, use God’s name loosely, use vulgar language, and tell vulgar jokes, etc., it is because you are out of fellowship with God.  You cannot be right with God and speak wrongly in the world. 

      Granted, there are times in which we must speak out.  There are times in which we have been wronged and the wrongs need to be brought to light.  Sometimes our words are driven by our emotions and we simply react in less than honorable ways.  But, we can express ourselves with words that do not damage others.  We can be more careful with the words we speak.  We must guard our hearts and put into them good things so that what comes out are good and not evil.

      If you were to carry a tape recorder around with you on any given day and were able to replay it and hear every word you spoke that day, would you be pleased with yourself?  Better yet, would God be pleased with you?  The Lord does hear every word you speak and will hold you accountable for them.

       What goes in will come out.  What are you putting into your heart?

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