Thursday, April 11, 2019


Luke 9:62 But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.”  NLT

       We must live in Christ with no regrets.  Anyone who looks back on the life he had without Christ and longs to relive it is not really living in Christ.  Jesus wants a total heart commitment to Him.  There can be no returning to the life once lived.  There can be no longing for the things that once captured the soul.  There can be no returning to the days in which living for Christ didn’t matter.  There can be no going back and undoing the changes Christ has made in you.  There can be no hesitation about letting Christ have His way with you.

      We cannot live in Christ in the present and still live in the past.  We cannot be fit for the Kingdom of God without putting our old self behind us and letting the Lord create a new self in us.  There are only two options for us if we want to spend eternity with Jesus:  we must never return to the life we once lived and we must keep our eyes focused solely on Christ so He can change us into citizens worthy of heaven. 

       Have you let go of all that would hinder you from being fit for the Kingdom of God?  Are you completely committed to living in Christ?  Are you straining to obtain that which is before you?  Are you keeping your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your salvation? 

       If you are not focused on Christ and His Kingdom, you are not fit for the Kingdom of God.

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