Sunday, October 28, 2018


Ezek. 33:17-20 “Your people are saying, ‘The LORD is not just,’ but it is they who are not just. For again I say, when righteous people turn from their wickedness and do what is just and right, they will live. O people of Israel, you are saying, ‘The LORD is not just.’ But I will judge each of you according to your deeds.”  NLT

       Look carefully so you don’t miss what the Lord is saying here. He says when RIGHTEOUS people turn from their wicked ways. There is no other conclusion you can draw from this. Not only can righteous people fall into sin and live in it, many do. Don’t get the idea that the righteousness of Christ will automatically keep you from sinning. Jesus does not take away from us our freedom of choice. To do what is just and right before God is a decision we must make and remake continuously in our lives. If we don’t choose to obey God, we are choosing to disobey Him. The only way we are going to not sin against God is to choose to not sin.

      What happens when righteous people choose to not turn from their sin? The implication of today’s text seems to suggest they will die in their sins. Does that mean they will no longer be considered by God to be righteous and acceptable to Him? All that He says here is that He will judge each one according to his deeds. The Lord’s judgments are just and right and He will make no mistakes on Judgment Day.

       Live righteously and you won’t have to be concerned about what is going to happen on Judgment Day.  Mess with sin and you will answer to God for it.  God knows our hearts and our motives and will judge fairly our souls.

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