Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Jer. 1:4-5  The LORD gave me a message. He said, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world.”  NLT

      What a wonderful thing to know!  The Lord knows us before we even develop in the womb.  Don’t ask me how He knows us then, but He does.  If only we could someone let this wonderful truth get a hold of us!  I suspect that if we were to truly believe it is so that it would change a lot of our thinking today.  Much of the discussion about human life would change.  Abortions would happen a lot less frequently.  How we take care of life as it develops in the womb would change.  How we value human life would change.  Everything changes when we grasp the fact that God has knowledge of us from the moment life is created. 

      Each life is known and special in God’s sight.  Your existence is not unnoticed or unknown.  God knows who you are and cares about you.  No matter how others may have treated you in the past or are now treating you, God knows you and loves you.  He longs to take you into His arms of love and let you know you are special to Him.  He wants you to know today that your life has enormous meaning to Him.

      The Lord not only knows us, but He has plans for us.  Everyone’s role in life is different, but everyone has a role to play.  Many times we never discover what our role is because of sin we allow in our lives.  Many times we get selfish and stubborn and not open ourselves up to what God wants us to do.  Many times we allow the world to determine the direction of our lives.

       The Lord shows us what He wants us to do when we wait before Him with willing hearts to follow Him into whatever He has for us to do.  We wait before Him with pure hearts eager to do His will.  He puts us into our place of service when we give Him permission to do so. 

       Are you living out God’s plan for your life?  Do you know for certain that God has led you to where you are today in life?  Are you impacting your world for Christ today?

       The Lord knows you and has known you from the moment of your conception.  How does that make you feel?  God has His fingerprints all over your life.  You are special in His eyes.  He knows you and has wonderful plans for you.  He has brought you this far and will lead you the rest of the way if you will let Him.

        Let God have His way with you and you will see just how wonderful His plans for your life really are.

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