Sunday, July 15, 2018


Is. 6:1,2 In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple. Hovering around him were mighty seraphim, each with six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with the remaining two they flew. NLT

       This portion of God’s Word has always ministered to me. We catch a little visual glimpse of God in His glory. Although we can never fully imagine what it is like to be in the presence of God while we are in the flesh, we can get enough of an idea to whet our appetites and cause us to bow before Him in reverence.

       The Lord was sitting on His throne. He is absolute in His existence, power, and authority. He fills up the place where He resides. He is surrounded by angelic beings who both minister to Him as they sing His praises and who honor Him in their worship and service.

       I find it noteworthy that their faces were covered by their wings. I don’t want to make this say more than it does, but it makes me think. How much do we “cover our faces” when we worship the Lord? Do we have a sense of the majesty, glory, and holiness of God? When was the last time you approached God with fear and trembling? When was the last time you were unable to look upon God because of the sin in your heart? When was the last time you felt the need to turn away your gaze from Him because He is God?

       I wonder; are we to God-friendly for our own good?

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