Monday, December 4, 2017



Ps. 25:8  The LORD is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray.

     Some get it and some don’t.  The Lord is good.  He always has been, is now, and forever will be.  The Lord cannot be or do anything less than good.  If it appears like He is less than good, then we need to reexamine our definition of what good is.  The problem is not that God is not good, it is that we don’t understand properly what God’s goodness is.

     God is absolute perfection.  He is incapable of doing anything wrong.  He always does that which is good.  We can relax and rest in Him because we know that He will always do what is good for us.  We may not always recognize it as good, but it is because God is the one watching over us and directing our paths

     God cannot do wrong.  If He could do wrong, He would not be God.  We must always know that whatever God does is good, whether we understand it or not.  Give thanks to the Lord for whatever He brings your way because He knows you best and what is best for you whether you think so or not. 

     Trust in the Lord and you will never be disappointed.  He will always show you the proper path to get on if you wander away from Him.  He will not let you get away.  He will always find you and lead you back to the way you should go, because God is good all the time.

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