Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Gen. 6:5-6 Now the LORD observed the extent of the people’s wickedness, and he saw that all their thoughts were consistently and totally evil. So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them. It broke his heart.

The Lord is not blind to the evil in the world and in the hearts of people. He sees it all and it grieves His heart. I know He knows what is going on in the world and in the heart of people. He knows how bad things are and how bad it is going to get. He knows what makes people the way they are, what they think, and the desires of their heart to do evil. It grieves His heart over what man has become.

Man was created for fellowship with God. But because of sin, most people cannot have fellowship with Him. God longs for our fellowship, but because of sin He is deprived of it. He knows the devastating destructiveness of sin. He knows that because of sin many will never have fellowship with Him. He knows that all who live in sin cannot live with Him and will be cast into hell. He loves all mankind and it grieves Him to know that most will be doomed to hell for eternity. I can understand how there would be sorrow in the heart of God.

Is sin that big of a deal? Does it really matter when we sin against God? It certainly does to God. We should take seriously the matter of sin in our lives. Don’t put your head in the sand and ignore the importance of keeping your heart pure before God. The way we live is a life or death matter for our souls. Don’t make God sorry He created you. Don’t give Him cause to have a broken heart.

The Lord, our God, is holy in heart and He can only have fellowship with those who are likewise holy. The only way sinful man can change his sinful heart to a holy heart is through Calvary. Jesus died to take away our sin and make our hearts holy. As long as you stay connected to Christ, God can have fellowship with you.

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