Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Reading God's Word

Josh. 1:8  Study this Book of the Law continually.  Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it.  Only then will you succeed.

For the most part, we are not very familiar with our Bibles.  We have a hard time finding passages that we are encouraged to look up.  We have a hard time understanding a lot of the basic truths of the Bible.  We often are clueless as to what some of the basic concepts of the Bible mean, let alone how to apply them to our lives.  We try to live like we think God wants us to live, but are clueless as to a lot of the things we are to do.  Why are we the way we are?  I believe the answer is in today’s verse.

We do not spend much time in God’s Word.  We are prone to grab a quick couple of verses a day, say a brief prayer, and jump into our day thinking that we have done well.  We spend very little time studying or meditating.  We convince ourselves that we don’t have the time.  We pay our pastors to do that for us.  We don’t live godly lives because we don’t invest our lives in pursuing knowledge and understanding of God’s Word like we should and need to.

Notice that we are to study the Word continuously.  Meditating on what God has to say is not just a Sunday thing.  We need to open our Bibles us every day and seek guidance from it.  God does not withhold from us guidance on how to live.  He gives us both the time and opportunity we need.  We just need to get our priorities straight and do it.

We fail to grow into maturity of faith because we have such a warped perception of our need for greater faith.  We are content with little when we need so much more.  It should concern us when we are not wanting more time with the Lord and in His Word.  The more time we spend in the Word and digesting it, the healthier our souls will be.

There is no better time to turn things around than right now.  Make a commitment to become a student of God’s Word.  You will be glad you did.

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