Tuesday, January 24, 2012


     I am going to write more about the two things that matter most to me in life, my faith and marriage.  Sometimes I will speak from my book or future books, and other times I will speak exclusively about things the Lord lays on my heart.  I will try to be more diligent in posting that I have been in the past.  Much of my time is spent marketing my book online, so I have to discipline myself to do this.  Please be patient with me.
      I post a daily devotion called Gems on my site at www.cthroughmarriage.com.  I would love to have you check it out and tell others about it.
      If you have read my book, C Through Marriage, I wouldbe very interested in what you think about it.  You can comment here or post a review online at Amazon books, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, etc.  I also tweet at 4248 on blogger dashboard.
      C Through Marriage is one of those books which should be in every church library and pastor's library.  It contains a lot of common sense advice from a Christian's perspective.  It is not the best book you will ever find on marriage, but it is a good one.

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