Monday, August 19, 2024




Rom. 12:6 God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well. NLT

No matter what you may think of yourself, God has given you the ability to do certain things well. Take a few moments and think about what you do well. It doesn’t matter what it might be. There are some things that you do well. Everyone does some things well. Others may not even be aware of what you can do, but you can do it. Don’t be afraid to admit that you can do something well. It won’t catch the Lord by surprise; He made you and gave you the abilities to do it.

Whatever it is that you do well, I want you to know that God wants you to do what you do to serve Him. There are ways that you can honor Christ and benefit others by doing what you do well. If you do what you do as an act of worship unto the Lord, He will bless your doings. He honors those who honor Him.

When you don’t use your abilities to honor Christ or to benefit others, you are wasting away your life. Only what is done for Christ will endure after this life is over. Don’t deprive the Lord of your abilities; you only hurt yourself when you do. Use what God has given you to do to the best of your ability for Him and you will be blessed with a life of great satisfaction and joy.

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