Friday, July 19, 2024




Rom. 7:14 The law is good then. The trouble is not with the law but with me, because I am sold into slavery, with sin as my master. NLT

There is nothing wrong with God's law. It is very useful for our spiritual lives. It shows us what kind of behavior is acceptable to God and what isn't. It shows us our sins so that we might turn to God for His forgiveness. It raises the bar of our expectation on how we ought to live. It shows us how to be holy.

The law is good; it's us that are the problem. We are by nature sinners. We are not capable on our own of living by God's law. We all fail to perfectly walk by the law. If we stumble on just one little point, we are guilty of breaking the whole law. Jesus even took it a step further; He said that if our motive for keeping the law was wrong, we were guilty of breaking the law. Like it or not, we are slaves to sin from the day we are born until we die, unless we repent and ask the Lord to forgive us for our sins.

Repentance is our only hope for escaping the demands of the law. We cannot be righteous without it. When we acknowledge our sins before God, ask the Lord to forgive us with a sincere heart, embrace our forgiveness by changing our behavior so that we live by God's standards and not our own, we will be declared righteous by God and accepted by Him.

Only in Christ is there no condemnation for sin. Only in His righteousness and holiness are we able to have peace with God. Only in Him can we be assured that we will go to heaven when we die. Only in Christ are we set free from a life to sin to live for God.

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