Friday, July 28, 2023

PSALM 101 4


PSALM 101 4

Psalm 101:8 My daily task will be to ferret out criminals and free the city from their grip.

David made a commitment to daily judge and get rid of those who are wicked in the city. He was determined to not tolerate criminal behavior. He wanted to make Jerusalem a safe haven for people to live in. It is an important reminder to us of how God treats those who are bent on evil. There is coming a day in which God will separate the righteous from the evil. In heaven, there will be no trace of evil in the heart of people. No one will be able to sneak in. Only the righteous in heart will dwell there.

We must never forget, Satan’s intent is to kill and destroy. He does everything he can to undermine and weaken our faith in the hopes of destroying it. He does not want anyone to escape this life with a righteous heart. He tries his best to undermine your confidence in God.

Satan wants you to begin your day on the wrong foot and stay out of whack all day. He will do whatever he can to keep your eyes off of your blessings. He wants you to be miserable and make life miserable for those around you. He wants you to maximize all that is going wrong instead of what is going right.

Satan tries to intimidate. He makes a lot of noise, but he is nothing but a windbag. Evil is everywhere, and it sometimes overwhelms us. We don’t feel safe anymore. All we want to do is find our safe haven, lock the doors, and hide. Satan knows that if we pay attention to what he is doing in the world, we won’t do much in the world. He wants us to believe that we can’t make any difference in the world, that it is futile to even try. Yet, the Kingdom of God is building one soul at a time. If we can help just one person be set free from Satan’s clutches, there will be great rejoicing in heaven. If we make a difference in but one life for Christ, we will be honored in heaven.

Don’t lose heart; be a difference maker. Do what you can to rid your world of those who are evil and wreak havoc around you. Support those who daily are out there trying to ferret out those breaking the law. Pray for them and encourage them in their daily tasks. Don’t look the other way when people do wrong. People need to be held accountable for their actions. Ultimately, God will judge them, but in the meantime, take a stand for righteousness and do what you can to make your city a safe place to live in.

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