Saturday, June 3, 2023




James 1:5 If you need wisdom—if you want to know what God wants you to do—ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. NLT

There is a difference between being smart and being wise. Wisdom is using your smarts wisely. There are many smart people in the world today who are not wise in their thinking and living. Book smarts does not guarantee wise living. In order to become wise, we need to know where wisdom comes from.

In order to be truly wise, one must first of all know Jesus as one’s Savior of life. He is the source of all wisdom that comes from God. The more surrendered you are to Christ, the wiser you become.

Wisdom comes from having a humble heart. It is understanding that I cannot do life without Christ. It flows from a constant need for Christ to overshadow and influence all of our living. It is understanding that who and what we are is because of Christ in us. It is knowing that we are dependent on Christ for whatever we accomplish in life.

Wisdom comes from a generous God. He is the source of all wisdom. Proverbs reminds us that wisdom characterized all that God created, and a careful look at life testifies to the wisdom of God at work. James tells us that all we have to do is ask God for wisdom and He will gladly give it to us. It is what Solomon asked for when he began to rule over Israel. He was given more wisdom than any other human being has ever had because he sought the Lord with the right motives and understanding that without God’s help he would not be able to rule his people.

Wisdom comes from a bountiful supply. Because all wisdom flows from God, there is an ample supply for everyone who is willing to let Jesus be their Lord have some. If a person lacks wisdom, it’s because he lacks Christ in his life. Jesus is our wisdom from God. Wise is he who is filled with the righteousness and holiness of Christ. Wise is he who will not settle for anything less than letting Jesus be Lord of his life.

If you lack wisdom, all you have to do is ask God for it. He will not resent your asking. In fact, God longs for all of His children to be wise, able to discern right from wrong and live rightly before Him.

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