Sunday, September 25, 2022




Prov. 23:4-5 Don’t weary yourself trying to get rich. Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had the wings of a bird! NLT

We vary in how much value we place on riches. Our world is driven by it, and it is one of the things that measures a person’s worth to the world. The mindset is that the more you have, the happier and more meaningful your life will be. Regardless of how many times we hear of those who have much either squandering away their wealth, abusing it, or quitting life in spite of it, we hold on to the idea that wealth is all that it is made out to be.

Trying to obtain wealth is wearisome. It consumes much of our lives. Many work very long and hard hours in order to get more. The process is repeated over and over again, taking on such great importance that very little thought is given to the simpler and more important things in life. Families are torn apart and destroyed because of it. Lost are opportunities to grow together as strong and healthy contributors to life. Lost are opportunities to enjoy the momentary pleasures of life as we grow older. Lost are the opportunities to grow in character and prepare for eternity.

What we fail to get until it is too late is that it is such a waste of time. Why strive to accumulate stuff for stuff’s sake? Why strive to accumulate wealth for a later stage in life that may never come? Why spend your life obtaining a wealth you will probably never spend? Why put your confidence in that which can never deliver on what it promises?

We must always remember that wealth can disappear a whole lot faster than it is obtained. When it becomes the main reason for which we live, very few of us have the ability to hang on to it without squandering it away. Its pleasures are momentary, and they are soon gone.

If you are amongst those who put a great deal of value on wealth, I challenge you to rethink your priorities. Life is meaningful only as we life in relationship with Christ. Only the Lord can deliver on His promises. Only the Lord can give us lasting peace, security, and the joy of living. Only life in Christ will last. Everything else will soon be gone. Make Jesus your passion in life, your prized possession, and you will always have what your heart craves for.

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