Monday, July 4, 2022




Ps. 119:112 I am determined to keep your principles, even forever, to the very end. NLT

How determined are you really? Do you just say you are, or do you actually strive to live by God's principles? Let us pause for a moment today and think about this. In order to live life God's way, we must be quite familiar with what His principles are. We must understand what God demands of us before we can apply them to life. We must study them enough that we know them by heart.

Once we know them, we must embrace them. It's not enough to recall God's principles with our minds; we must want to live by them with our hearts. The desire to live by them comes from a genuine love commitment to God. It involves time spent alone in fellowship with Him. It involves a desire to please and honor Him with our lives.

God's ways become our way for life. We determine in our hearts to live by God's rules daily, all the days of our lives. We so value their role in our lives that all that really matters to us is to let them be who we are in the world. They become how we live and govern how we think about things. In other words, we so identify ourselves with God and His ways that they become our natural selves. We are clearly seen as a people after God's own heart, a holy people.

How determined are you to let God's principles be your guide and identity in life? Do you live consistently by God’s principles or just when it’s convenient for you to do so? Are you in private who you strive to be public? Can you honestly say that who you are and what you do are determined by God and not yourself or the world around you? Are God’s ways your way of life?

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