Saturday, February 19, 2022



Ps. 89:15 Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, LORD. NLT

Worship is not confined to one day a week. Worship happens whenever we turn our hearts and minds to the Lord. Worship does not depend on an agenda to make it happen. It is the spontaneous reaching upward to God. Worship is what we do in response to who God is. It is praise, thanksgiving, meditation, singing, and waiting. It is confession and adoration. It is the filling of our souls with God. It can happen anytime and anywhere. It can last for a few moments or it could last for hours.

The call to worship is a joyful call. All of nature sings forth the praises of God. Birds do not sing a sad song. The varied sounds of nature are not a death song. All of creation testify to God's greatness and glory. It is a wondrous thing to draw near to God. God calls us into worship. Oh, what a joyous occasion worship is!

Think about it. God calls us to into His presence! We are allowed to enter into pure light, into the splendor of His holiness. We are allowed to linger in the presence of the King of kings and Lord of lords. We linger and are purified by His amazing presence and touch. We linger and God renews us, filling our souls with His love, joy, and peace.

Worship changes us. It changes our perspective on life and how we live it. It changes how we react to what comes our way. How can it not? Begin each day with a time of worship and see what a difference it makes in your life. If worship doesn't change you, you haven't really worshiped Him.

When you leave worship and mingle amongst men, can they see that you have been with Jesus?

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