Tuesday, September 28, 2021




Neh. 1:8-9 “Please remember what you told your servant Moses. ‘If you sin, I will scatter you among the nations. But if you return to me and obey my commands, even if you are exiled to the ends of the earth, I will bring you back to the place I have chosen for my name to be honored.’” NLT

Dear friend, claim the promise. Nehemiah is recalling God’s promise to Moses. He is asking the Lord to honor His Word. God is trustworthy and always stands behind His Word. This truth is essential for victorious living. It is good to pray over the Scriptures to God.

In order to remind the Lord of His promises, we must know them. We must hide His Word in our hearts so that we can readily refer to it in our times of need. The more saturated we become by the Word, the more apt we are to stand on the promises and not fall. The more saturated we are by the Word, the more likely we are to handle it correctly and not try to use it for our advantage or comfort.

Think for a moment about what God has promised to do for us. How many of His promises can you recall today? Each and every one of them is backed up by His character. How many of them are you standing on today? Are you absolutely sure that you can stand on them and not fall? Do you know for certain that God will do what He has said He will do for you?

If there is any shred of doubt whatsoever in your heart, ask the Lord to help you believe. Ask Him to remove your doubts and fears. Ask Him to cement His truths deep within your soul so you can stand on them with boldness and confidence. Don’t be afraid to tell Him the truth; He can handle it. Tell Him about your apprehensions. Tell Him you want to believe, but that you are struggling. Tell Him what you are feeling, regardless of how troubling it may seem to you. He can handle whatever you throw at Him and He has a promise to address your every need.

God’s promises are not empty words, nor are they outdated. They are given for you to believe today. You can trust God to keep His Word. What God has spoken WILL come to pass.

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