Friday, August 28, 2020




James 1:19-20 My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Your anger can never make things right in God’s sight.  NLT

      If you are sincere about your faith, you will consider carefully these verses.  Applying these verses to life doesn’t come naturally.  We are prone to speak quickly and listen slowly.  James instructs us to do just the opposite.  It is a life lesson we must learn.

      Those who are good listeners have a humble spirit.  They understand they don’t know it all and are willing to learn more.  They are a people who are teachable.  They are a people who take a genuine interest in others and want to hear what they have to say.  They are a people who do not have to tell others what they know, or what they think they know.  They exercise self-control and speak out when it is beneficial to others.  They are slow to speak because they know that they don’t have all the answers and they don’t want to weary others with what little they may know or lead others astray by false teachings.

      Those who are good listeners and controlled speakers have a much better track record when it comes to angry outbursts.  Anger is reactionary.  It crops us when we feel others must hear what we have to say and they aren’t listening.  It is self-centered.  It flows from the desire to make others hear us.  Anger pushes people away instead of embraces them.  Only anger that is rooted in righteousness is acceptable to God. An angry heart is a heart out of sorts with God.

      When you are the instigator of anger, it is never right in God’s eyes.  The only anger that is right before God is anger against sin and injustice.  We should be angry at those things which bring dishonor to our Lord.  We should speak out emotionally against all that is unholy.  But, when we do, it should be a controlled anger, not a reactionary anger.  A controlled anger is expressed in a constructive and not a destructive way.

      Apart from a holy anger, it is best to put into practice being quick to listen and slow to speak.  We will certainly be much more successful living in peace with both God and man.

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