Thursday, July 25, 2019


Rom. 2:13 For it is not merely knowing the law that brings God’s approval. Those who obey the law will be declared right in God’s sight.  NLT

       It’s not what you know that will get you to heaven; it’s who you know.  If you have been in the Church for any length of time at all, you probably get confused with this point.  Christian education is very important for our spiritual direction and growth, but often times we are more focused on learning than we are on living.  We can know all the right answers and still be lost.  We can talk knowingly and at great length about faith, but if we are not living it we are nothing more than a bunch of windbags. 

      The Lord gives us opportunity to live so that we will put into practice what we learn.  The lost world doesn’t need to know what we know; they need to know who we know and how to live in Him.  God will judge us by how we live, not by how we think.

       If your knowledge is not backed up by your living, you are a fool.  Only the righteous in heart will see God.  Only those who are living in and by faith will make it to heaven. 

       Biblical knowledge can be an asset and it can be a liability.  It is not an end in itself; it’s merely a means to an end.  Let us be careful that we don’t forget to live out what we learn.  God will acknowledge only those who practice what they profess to know.

        We don’t put faith in what we know.  In and of itself, what we know is dead.  Hell will be populated with people who know the truth but never lived it.  Faith that gets us to heaven is living faith.

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