Sunday, May 12, 2019


John 3:17 "God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it."  NLT

      Many people have the idea that because God is holy, He is more like a tyrant who is always on the lookout for sin and immediately judges it when He sees it. God is seen as one who is harsh and unbending in His judgment of us. Such thinking is wrong. Yes, God is holy and judges sin. He will never compromise on His justice and will condemn sin. But, He sent Jesus not to exercise judgment. He came to exercise mercy. Mercy is the natural outcropping of His love. God does not have any desire to condemn us for our sins. He is not willing for anyone to go to hell because of their sinful heart. He sent Jesus here to do something about the judgment that would send us to hell. Jesus came to save us from God's wrath, not put us under it.

       If anyone falls victim to God's wrath, it is by choice. We choose to live under condemnation or victory and will be judged accordingly. If you are not living in a personal relationship with Christ today, you better be afraid for Judgment Day is coming. If you are living in Christ, don't believe the lie of Satan that you are doomed because of your inability to live a sin-free life. We all sin and fall short of God's glory and standards, but there is mercy, love, and forgiveness in Christ. He whom Christ sets free is free indeed.

      The Lord will not overlook sin.  He will not take away sin that is not given over to Him.  He never has and never will condone sin.  If the heart is right with God, and God knows, then forgiveness is freely given.  However, if the intent of the heart is to sin in defiance of God, one must repent before the sin can be forgiven.  We cannot mock God's grace by taking liberties with it and do whatever we want instead of what God wants.  He will hold us accountable for such an attitude.  Humility before God will always move us to repentance and holiness of heart.

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