Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Matt. 9:12-13 When he heard this, Jesus replied, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor--sick people do!”  Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ˜I want you to be merciful; I don’t want your sacrifices.’ For I have come to call sinners, not those who think they are already good enough.”  NLT

      Are you now good enough?  Do you see yourself as better than most and not in need of help?  Do you consider yourself healthy before the Lord?  Are you okay with your spiritual life?  If so, you need to reread today’s Scripture.

       People go to the doctor when they are sick, when they know they need help to get well again.  We understand that doctors know more about sickness than we do and how to treat it.  We understand that without the doctor’s care, we will only get worse and not better.  The same thing holds true in our spiritual lives.

      The Lord cannot help anyone who thinks they don’t need help.  We must see ourselves as needing a Savior and Lord.  We must see ourselves as we really are, naturally born sinners before God.  We must understand that we can never be good enough on our own.  We must know that even if Jesus is our Savior, we are not ever going to be good enough to stay connected with God without Him.  We cannot strike it out on our own and find our way home to heaven.  We need Christ at work in us every moment of our lives.  To be disconnected with Christ is certain death for the soul.  We can never slack off in our pursuit of Him.  Unless we see ourselves as unhealthy and in need of Christ’s constant attention and care, we will die.

        Looking honestly in the mirror of God’s Word shows us just how sick we really are.  God’s Word reveals our imperfections.  It shows us what we need to be working on in our lives.  It shows us just how much we must rely on the working of Christ and His Spirit within us.  It shows us that we need to be good patients and co-operate with Him by obeying His instructions.

      Jesus came to call us to repentance and a life of dependency on Him.  Do you see yourself as good enough or in need of our Physician’s constant care?

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